what i learned

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we all agree that depression is like an ivisible cancer eating your will to live and more , but depression and one year at home gave me the chance to understand many things of me of what i want and of who i am , first i was desperately looking for the approvance of people but in first place for the approvance of dad i always wanted to show him that i was mature that i was different from my sibilings , i wasnt smoking , wasnt going out that much , good grades at school to show him how responsible i was , WELL fuck it this never gonna happen again the only person that i want to male happy is me ! second i had  , i always tryied to fit someone elses standard , wasnt the type of girl who loved to go party but i did dont even know why  ! i definitely was a ppl plaser . NEVER NEVER BE THAT AGAIN . ive also learned that pain is not useless , teached me many stuff its an unwanted emotion but is still part of human still part of life , at a certain point of your life you have to make a choice , you keep regretting your pain telling ppk how bad you feel and never moving on rom that  situation , or you  just acept it , and say to yourself that even if its painful you gonna take all ofn the best from it ! pain can make you better or worse it depends on you . dont get me wrong im not saying that pain has to be comfortable , its not gonna be that way you surely gonna feel like shit but in the end , you decide . 

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