Part 2 - One Year Anniversary

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"I crave someone who is irresistible; you are the reason for my existence; what I have from you steals gasps of air from me. I am unsure what I am plunging into, but I do know that this instant here with you is worth a lifetime." Jay hmph.

The past six months at Jewel's have been a whirlwind for Juliet. The first two weeks were a baptism by fire. Fresh out of business school and into the owner's chair, Juliet was drowning in paperwork, overwhelmed by legalities, and on the verge of tears. Yet, she stood tall, her resilience shining through the stress, refusing to let it extinguish the joy of her dream.

Keith, the unwavering pillar of support, saw the storm brewing in Juliet's eyes. He couldn't bear to see her spirit wilt under the pressure. There were moments when Juliet felt like ripping her hair out, her frustration a tangled mess mirroring the state of her desk. Keith stepped in, his calm presence a soothing balm. He offered not just emotional support but practical help, diving into spreadsheets and regulations and becoming Juliet's knight in shining armor... with a calculator.

Five and a half months later, Jewels is Juliet's oyster. She's not just running a business, she's thriving. The initial chaos has morphed into a well-oiled machine, and Juliet even has the bandwidth to take on a side project – designing a house for the famed Michael, a testament to her growing reputation. Her success is a testament to her hard work and determination, a source of pride for those who know her.

Things with Keith are more wonderful than ever. Their days begin with a shared commute, his car a cocoon of comfortable silence until they reach the firm. Evenings are spent together, a symphony of clinking pots and pans as they cook dinner, their laughter echoing through the house. This shared routine has woven a tighter bond than Juliet ever imagined, a warm embrace replacing the initial anxieties.

Every two weeks, they make the pilgrimage to visit Juliet's mother, Maryanne. Keith has been a rock, tirelessly researching specialists across states, seemingly reaching the same heartbreaking conclusion. The weight of Maryanne's illness hangs heavy, and one afternoon, it cracks Keith's stoic facade. He lunges toward a doctor in a moment of despair, his protectiveness a raw nerve exposed. Thankfully, Troy and Jeremy intervene, preventing a scene.

Neal and Abigail's relationship is a slow burn, a simmering pot compared to Juliet and Keith's whirlwind. Juliet can't help but feel Neal is the perfect match for Abigail. Kind, considerate, and undeniably mature (the voice of reason amongst their chaotic trio, Juliet would admit), Neal is a breath of fresh air for Abigail.

Noah, on the other hand, remains stubbornly unchanged. His Casanova act, while charming, is as predictable as the sunrise. Though no one takes his flirtatiousness seriously, Juliet knows it brings out a playfully possessive streak in Keith. She suspects Noah enjoys this, relishing the predictable dance of feigned offense and bluster it ignites in his best friend. Put Noah and Keith in the same room, and you have a comedy waiting to happen. Their arguments are as loud as they are brief, punctuated by a camaraderie that transcends playful jabs.

Keith and Juliet were a masterclass in scheduling Tetris. Lunch dates were squeezed between meetings, and dinner reservations were a coveted prize in their busy weeks. Yet, they carved out a stolen weekend, a secret escape to one of Keith's cabins in South Carolina's heart. Memories of that trip still sent a shiver down Juliet's spine. Steamy whispers, tangled limbs, the shared intimacy of a shower for two – they barely left the confines of the bedroom except for quick dashes for sustenance.

A contented sigh escaped Juliet's lips as she stole a glance at a picture of Keith on her desk. His smile held a hint of mischief, his eyes crinkling at the corners in a way that made her heart skip a beat. Even now, just the thought of him, his strong arms, and that sexy smirk had a delicious heat blooming in her core. The office's fluorescent lights seemed to mock her suddenly, their sterile hum a stark contrast to the vibrant memories swirling in her head.

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