Give us a chance, Juliet

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Dedicated to Pavitradewi

Authors note: Sorry this is a short chapter. Enjoy! 

"Because when I look at you, I can feel it. And I look at you, and I'm home." –Dory, Finding Nemo

Oblivious to the polished marble floors and gleaming chrome accents, Juliet hurried into Jewels & Carlton Cooperation. Her preoccupied mind conjured visions of a heated argument, and she barely registered the solid form looming before her.

A startled yelp escaped her lips as she unexpectedly collided with something warm and firm. The world tilted precariously, threatening to send her sprawling. But before the cold kiss of the floor could greet her, a substantial hand, surprisingly gentle for its size, clamped around her wrist.

Juliet blinked away the stars dancing in her vision and looked up to meet a pair of hazel eyes framed by tortoiseshell glasses. Their warmth crinkled at the corners with amusement. Golden curls cascaded down the woman's shoulders, bouncing with each confident stride. She stood tall, her hourglass figure accentuated by a crisp white knee-length dress and a vibrant hot pink blazer that seemed to radiate energy, making her impossible to ignore.

"Mrs. Wagner," the woman announced with a dazzling smile, "I'm Isabel Kozlovsky, your husband's personal assistant."

Juliet gaped, momentarily speechless. With his perpetually furrowed brow and clipped pronouncements, Keith struck her as the type to attract kindred spirits – those radiating bitterness and possessiveness. In stark contrast, Isabel, with her sunshine demeanor and vibrant attire, shattered that image spectacularly. 'Nice to meet you,' Juliet finally managed, her mind still reeling from the explosive conversation with Lucas.

"Follow me, Mrs. Wagner," Isabel chirped, leading the way toward the elevator. "You've had a positive influence on him, you know. He's become a much lighter soul since you came along." The elevator doors slid shut, muffling Isabel's words.

Confusion and a whirlwind of emotions clouded Juliet's features. 'But I just met Keith a few days ago!' she thought, pushing the thought aside for later. Lucas's revelations provided answers but also birthed many new questions. One loomed large in her mind: she had poured love into a void for six months. Had she been so blinded by the affection that she'd excused his glaring flaws and blatant disregard for her feelings?

The elevator's gentle chime snapped Juliet out of her introspection. Isabel ushered her towards a mahogany door, rapping sharply on its surface. "Come in." A voice laced with a hint of annoyance echoed from within. "Isabel," Juliet recognized Keith's demanding tone instantly. "I specifically instructed you to—" The voice was abruptly cut off. His words were cut short by a chuckle from Isabel.

"Calm down, sir," she soothed, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Your wife is here." Stepping aside, she revealed Juliet. Keith stood there, a picture of controlled fury until his gaze landed on Juliet. His features softened, replaced by a hesitant smile.

In the brief time they'd been together, Juliet had been captivated by Isabel's warmth. An honest smile, as natural as sunshine, seemed permanently etched on her face. When Keith's gaze met Juliet's, a flicker of steel-gray worry momentarily eclipsed the usual steely glint in his eyes.

"Give us a moment, Isabel," Keith said, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down Juliet's spine. He didn't look away from Juliet as Isabel softly closed the door. There was something about how he looked at her, a depth that seemed to pull her worries into a swirling vortex. She found a temporary reprieve from the chaos in the vast gray of his eyes, a sense of being adrift on a calm sea.

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