The truth set me free

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Dedicated to Gursimran10

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them." ― Carrie Bradshaw.

Juliet inhaled a shaky breath, her reflection in the full-length mirror a vision of confidence tinged with vulnerability. The last time she'd dressed like this, heartbreak followed. But tonight was different. Keith was by her side now, his promises of a pain-free future echoing in her ears.

Over the past six weeks, living with Keith had nurtured a trust that bloomed brighter with each passing day. Unlike Lucas, a facade of sculpted muscle masking a deceitful heart, Keith was a beacon of unwavering loyalty. His strength wasn't just physical; it was woven from integrity and a promise he never broke. Yet, a tendril of doubt, a poisonous vine left behind by Lucas's betrayal, still clung to Juliet's heart.

Emerald eyes, the color of a moss-covered forest after a summer rain, stared back at her from the mirror. She'd finally chosen an outfit after ransacking her closet - a shimmering grey top, the silver sequins catching the light like a disco ball. Black leather pants hugged her curves like a second skin, and a matching, long-sleeved crop jacket added a touch of rebellion. Each click of her red stilettos against the hardwood floor was a defiant beat against the melody of insecurity Lucas had played for so long.

Her nails, a fiery red with a dusting of silver glitter, mirrored the boldness of her makeup - deep red lips that whispered promises and cascading brunette curls that framed her face like a waterfall. Her heart hammered a nervous rhythm against her ribs, a counterpoint to the insidious voice of doubt, a ghost of Lucas's whispers urging her to shrink back. But today, Juliet did not care about what her ex thought of her. She was beautiful and confident - the woman she always was before Lucas dimmed her shine.

Keith, unlike Lucas, who reveled in dimming her light and exploiting her insecurities, encouraged her to blossom. He didn't dictate her wardrobe based on some possessive need to control how men looked at her. He saw her beauty not as a possession but as a radiant flame, and he cherished it. Lucas thrived on the attention she garnered in revealing outfits, using her as an accessory to inflate his own ego. Keith, on the other hand, reveled in her strength and confidence, knowing a truly beautiful woman needed no validation from outside admirers.

With a resolute breath, Juliet pushed past the shadows of the past and headed towards the office adjoining their bedroom. It was Saturday, and after a blissful afternoon spent curled up with Keith, a call from his father had lured him back to work on some urgent documents. She reached for the glass door, her knuckles rapping a soft rhythm against the cool surface. She peeked inside.

Keith, a frown furrowing his brow, was engrossed in his laptop. "What do you think?" As Juliet announced her arrival, his gaze flicked up, cool grey eyes warming as they met hers. A playful smile tugged at his lips as he pushed himself to his feet and closed the distance between them.

"As beautiful as always," he said, a playful wink softening his voice. A blush crept up Juliet's cheeks as all her anxieties melted away. This was Keith's effect on her. Maybe a month ago, it would have annoyed her. Now, she embraced his warmth, his possessiveness that felt protective and kind. Denial, a flimsy shield, couldn't hide the growing affection she felt for her husband, a love blossoming in the short time they'd known each other.

"Thanks," she replied, about to turn back for her red clutch with her phone and essentials, including the credit card Keith had so generously given her earlier in the week.

A hand snaked around her wrist, pulling her close. A smirk played on his lips as his grey eyes darkened. He guided her hand to his chest, the heat radiating through his skin, making her palm tingle with awareness.

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