First Job. First Client

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Dedicated to unicorn15-9

"You open your heart knowing that there's a chance it may be broken one day, and by opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that's so real it scares you." —Bob Marley

Sunlight, sharp as a shard of glass, pierced through the blinds, lancing through Juliet's closed eyelids. A dull ache throbbed behind her eyes, a constant reminder of their girls' night out gone wrong. Frustration coiled in her gut – the last clear memory was sharing a joint, the rest dissolving into a hazy fog. A nagging suspicion lingered, a prickling unease that Keith might be keeping something from her. But no matter how hard she squeezed her eyes shut, willing the events of the night to return, they remained stubbornly out of reach, swallowed by the alcohol-induced oblivion.

Despite the throbbing in her head, a sliver of warmth bloomed in her chest at the sight of a steaming cup of tea and a plate of buttery croissants on the bedside table. Keith sat beside her, a picture of calm amidst the storm brewing in her head. He listened patiently to her design ideas for the nursery project, his voice a steady anchor in the chaos of her scrambled thoughts. Together, they sculpted a plan, one Juliet would bring to life later that afternoon for the expectant couple.

Monday morning, she found Juliet facing her reflection in the full-length mirror. She surveyed her outfit with a critical eye: a crisp white and blue checkered shirt tucked into skinny white jeans that hugged her curves perfectly. A delicate gold chain peeked out from the open collar, adding a touch of femininity, while a chunky brown watch grounded the look with a hint of masculine charm. Wedge heels lengthened her legs, their muted clicks promising comfort throughout the day. A black and white striped purse, roomy and practical, hung from her shoulder. Gold earrings dangled beneath the loose waves of her hair, framing her face in a cascade of sun-kissed highlights.

Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind. Juliet turned to meet Keith's warm gaze, his breath a whisper against her cheek as he planted a soft kiss there.

"Excited about your first client meeting, love?" Keith asked, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. He gently turned her so they were face-to-face, his hands lingering on her hips.

"Excited, yes," Juliet admitted honestly, a flicker of nervousness dancing in her eyes. "But also a little nervous. This is my first official client, you know? Dad and Jeremy have always been so supportive of my work at home, but sometimes I can't help but feel they're just being easy on me."

Keith chuckled a warm sound that squeezed the tension from her shoulders. "Don't even think that for a second," he said, his smile genuine. "You're incredibly talented, Juliet. They wouldn't keep singing your praises if it wasn't true."

Juliet took a deep breath, letting his confidence wash over her. "Okay then," she declared, a newfound resolve firming her voice. "Let's do this! I don't want to be late for my first official day as a designer." With a determined glint in her eyes, she slipped free from his embrace and picked up her purse from the couch.

"How about Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast on the go?" Keith offered, already moving towards the door. "Your favorite glazed and a large coffee for me?"

"Perfect," Juliet replied, a smile blooming on her face as they exited the house and into the sleek red silhouette of Keith's Ferrari. The day stretched before them, filled with possibility, and a nervous thrill danced in her stomach. It was time to show the world what she could do.

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