Love Song For Mom

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May 2015

Tanghao spent the next few weeks moving back and forth in his home country of Taiwan. With the boys still busy with solo projects this gives Nick the wonderful opportunity to catch up with his mother. As promised she appeared in person for Fei's birthday.

She gave a few Taiwanese snacks for her to try and brought a delicious almond cream pie to go with her cake. The girls of Miss A congratulated her and Tanghao was there wish her girl a Happy birthday.

A week later the two decided to reveal their relationship to the public. After a year and five months of privacy it was time to unveil the curtains and what a surprise that was. Fans of both groups had a variety of reactions, many celebrated it as they were praised for their chemistry.

Of course those that followed already saw it coming. Fei and Tanghao were like Chinese royalty in terms of their appeal among Chinese netizens. They were dubbed the "ideal couple" for their elegant appearances. Now that Tanghao could finally relax he decided to sing a special he's written for his mom.

He sings how much appreciation he has for his mother even when things were rough. He laments on not understanding her when he was a child and he wishes to spend time with her. He also thanks mom for accepting his beautiful girlfriend and that he will be a wonderful husband and raise respectable children.

After finished the song he placed the guitar as Wang Feifei applauded.

"That was so beautiful Tanghao! I could feel the emotions under it. Auntie will love this."

"I feel like a new man Feifei and I have you to thank. I promise to be a loving man for you. You really are like a swan Feifei." He adjusted her bangs.

They then kissed each other on the lips for the tenth time today. It seemed the approval from Mom has made them feel more passionate as he went for her neck area yet again.

"~Tanghao... We need to head home. Now is not the time for love." Fei moaned a bit from his tongue on her neck. Tanghao let go of her as he laughed at her flushed expression.

Now the whole world knows of their love and he was going to be going to be with her all the way.

Nick Chou: 2pm's Taiwanese Dragon Where stories live. Discover now