Quality dinner with Fei

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September 2011

Nick Chou was taking a break from promotions. With 2pm's popularity at an all-time high the agency has been focused on promoting them. They traveled from city to city to sing their hit song sometimes near beaches. With the summer at its peak Nick Chou has been the hottest name in Kpop.

His stunning and handsome looks has made him the talk of the town. Next to Junsu, female netizens has commented on his "desirable" traits. Nick doesn't mind the attention. He knew since birth that he was made for something great. But sometimes the attention can be a little too much. In some cases, his looks were overshadowing him as a person.

And so when he heard Fei was inviting for a lovely meal, he was happy to spend time with a good friend. Dressed a little more casual wear of a T-shirt and jeans, he parked by a Chinese restaurant. Instantly of smell of seasoning caused a stir in his stomach.

"You finally made it Tanghao and perfect timing apparently." Laughed Fei.

Nick whistled at the beautiful Jiejie in front of him. Truly her reputation as Miss A's bombshell truly didn't go unnoticed. She wore tights that framed her figure well, a white blouse that gave her a graceful look, pair of heels and girl could dream wearing. What caught his eye was the dark lipstick worn on her lips. It was almost seductive.

"Nah I must be crazy thinking things like that. Jiejie would never!" Nick cast away those thoughts.

Fei noticed this and her smile grew larger.

"I know it can be captivating see your jiejie like this, but I hope this doesn't end up as a distraction." Fei brushed it off.

"Of course not jiejie! I'm just waiting for the food to come. I'm starving!" Nick entered the restaurant. The combination of aromas only made his stomach grumble even more. Fei laughed at this. It was quite adorable seeing him slightly flushed. 2pm's sexy tiger image really never made sense to her. Tanghao was very different in person, something she adores.

"What do you feel like eating Tanghao?"

"Hmm... That's a good question. I'm kinda feeling some noodles. Maybe a hot soup should suffice. Extra broth would be awesome." Tanghao went through several choices before selecting his order. Coincidentally Fei ordered the exact same soup.

"You got the same thing as me Jiejie. Are you sure that's what you want?" Nick asked.

"I've eaten here many times. Franky having to eat fried duck all the time can be repetitive why not change it up?!" Fei suggested.

"True sis it's been kinda stale eating the same meat. I haven't had soup in months. Wonder if it's good as my mom's." Nick said.

"You always seem to talk a lot about your mom a lot. I wonder if you really miss her?"

"I do jiejie, everyday. Even though she was on the spotlight constantly, she always made sure to provide everything I needed. As a kid being in the entertainment industry is exhausting. I find myself having to do my work while Mom was busy filming. There was even a time where I didn't see her for days. You have any idea what does for a child?" Nick started to open up.

This was the first time she saw Tanghao this vulnerable. Usually, he is the most carefree in JYP. Never letting comments ruin his day. It really did seem like he was getting homesick. Being Chinese herself she could understand having to move to a different country. When you're by yourself and don't speak the language it can be difficult. That's why when Nick auditioned, she made sure he was welcomed as much as possible. Over the months she can gotten close with Tanghao, almost like a younger brother. He was impulsive, silly, and very dedicated to his career.

Nick Chou: 2pm's Taiwanese Dragon Where stories live. Discover now