Celebration with Fei and Jia

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Life for Nick Chou changed a great deal since auditioning. For starters, he was put under a lecture session of everything about Korea. He learned its history, culture, and language. He lost count how many sleepless nights just so he can learn language. It sounded so different from Mandarin.

He was also put under a strict training system where he was expected to learn to dance. Dancing wasn't too hard for him, it was the fact he couldn't stay up so late nor eat certain types of meal. As a result, he bulked a up a little. His lean physique was now more muscular and felt himself get stronger.

Probably the best part was making new friends. First one he made was a trainee from America named Nickthun. His parents were Thai, but he grew up speaking English. Having a friend he can communicate really helped. Taecyeon was another friend he met. He was very buff and liked to goof around. He met others like the tall Changsug who was three years younger. He had a hard time believing he was much younger. Woohyun was another trainee that liked to hang out a lot and Junho was the smart boy by every means.

Perhaps the one that stood out was Kim Junsu who's charms easily made him the most popular among female trainees. He was older than him by several months.

He also got to interact with some of the girls but two in particular caught his attention, Wang Feifei and Meng Jia. For starters, they were from Mainland China so they spoke the same language.

Jis was pretty cute he admitted. She was kind of a tomboy with certain things and she always liked hanging out with him. She would always follow him after training like a little sister.

Feifei on the other hand was just gorgeous. She was a year older than him and was always making sure Jia behaved. She wore dark lipstick that looked so seductive. Of all the trainees she was perhaps the most voluptuous.

If it wasn't for the stupid training schedule he would have approached her.

Wonder Girls debuted first in February 2007 with the song Irony. Despite their moderate debut, one member left and was replaced by about in time for their first comeback. For 2007 and most of 08, JYP focused on managing Wonder Girls. They quickly became a sensation and broke into mainstream success Tell Me whose dance became viral.

After years of training it was finally time for JYP to unveil his new boy group: 2pm. Unlike most boy groups who adopted a pretty boy image, 2PM was going to be masculine group that emphasizes manliness. Each of the members benefited with their hardcore training as they all had very developed abs akin to professional athlete. They made quite headlines for their sex appeal once teasers of them came out.

Nick Chou went out to eat to celebrate.

"You're finally going to debut Tanghao that's fantastic news!" Fei congratuled him. Being the older half, she has a motherly tone towards Jia. It's because of her that Jia and Nick got to fit in here.

"It's about time you boys get the chance. Don't be kicking too much ass without me." Jia warned. She was the more feisty one of the duo. Truly a tomboy by nature.

"I'll try meimei. I just hope you'll cheer me on. I mean going to sing in Korean is one thing, but dancing to a foreign audience?"

"I know it may seem strange, but trust in your own abilities. You've managed to learn Korean very quickly. I think you'll do fine." Fei assured Nick.

"It's always nice hearing from you Fei-jie. You deserve a great debut, both of you! I'm glad to call the two of you, my friends. At least it doesn't feel lonely with you two here."

"I understand the sentiment. It was hard for the two of us when we first auditioned. They put us in the same program that you did. Meeting Jia was perhaps the best thing that happened and meeting you course." Smiled Fei.

"I just hope the old man lets me do my solo thing. I'm much better when I'm spitting my raps. They call me Nickthereal!" Nick rapped.

"Calm down Will Pan, you're just started! Ain't no way he's going to let start it right away. Most likely you'll have to wait a while. I'm sure once promotions settle down maybe he could let you debut." Jia clarified.

"I hope it isn't long. That's only reason why agreed to do this stupid training. I'm no idol, but I got to the play. Just hope I'm a good actor." Nick said as they enjoyed a meal of noodles.

Afterwards they were walking outside in the moonlight. Nick smiled at his sisterfigures. While he was attracted to them, he wasn't going to ruin this friendship for some shot love. If either of them accepted his love that was fine, if they didn't that was fine too. Nick was going to live for Nick. He's in too deep to let something distract him.

"The moon looks lovely today. It reminds of a Teresa Teng song from back in the remember." Fei said as she hummed the tune.

"Haven't heard that song ages Jiejie. My own mom used to sing that before I went to sleep." Nick said.

"I forgot your mom is famous. How does it feel being a son of a celebrity?" Jia asked Nick.

"It feels fine, I guess. It's no big deal if my mom or dad is famous. At one I was a famous child in my local area. Used to do acting gigs in Taiwan." Nick remembered back from his childhood days. His parents would make sit in the styling room while his parents were rehearsing.

"Now that should be interesting. Imagine you acting in a drama. I can see you play Daoming Si in Meteor Garden." Fei laughed.

"Given how air headed he can be that's totally accurate!" Jia elbowed him so cheeky.

"Ha ha Jia!! You can be pushy like Shancai when she wants something." Nick rolled his eyes.

"We should get going. Tomorrow your promotions will begin. You need your energy for the big day." Fei reminded him.

"You're being dramatic Jiejie I'll be fine. Xie xie for the meal girls. You two have a good night I'll catch ya after promotions." Nick yawned ready to go to sleep.

"Our Tanghao is quite the young man." Fei laughed.

"Quite the dumbass dont you think?" Jia shrugged.

"No need to be so harsh. He can be a little headstrong, but he has a great heart. I know he'll do great out there." Fei said with a affectionate smile.

Nick Chou: 2pm's Taiwanese Dragon Where stories live. Discover now