Returning to the Mamas

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December 2014

2pm was outside of the JYP building as they prepared to take off for the big event. 2pm being the King of Masculine Beauty, they wore clothes that emphasized their manly appearance.

Tanghao dressed in a pattereed long sleeve unbuttoned, showing off part of his cleavage with the tank top he was wearing, blue khakis, and some Vans. Overall, he looked like he ready for the summer despite it being the end of the year. Even his hair was dyed with a greenish tint for extra effect.

Fei stood there the entire time admiring his style. Much like herself, Tanghao was an object of desire. Many Chinese women fell in love the confident and playful Nick Chou. It was right now she understood why Nick was desired by many. It made her feel special that she was the only one he had eyes over.

"I'ma gonna kill it jiejie ya boy Nickthereal is gonna storm up there and rock the crowd! Cuz I am that star from the land afar!!" Nick got himself pumped.

"Even at this moment you still act like a child, but it's okay. I claim my baby boy right here." Fei giggled.

"I wish to hear your cheer jiejie. It sucks you won't be over there to see me rock the crowd. You know I love you baby." Nick kissed her lips gently. It was a light peck that tasted very sweet and Fei relished every bit of that.

"Alright lover boy, you can have your woman later." Taecyeon presses his shoulder.

"You're interrupting a moment here Taecyeon!!"

"That moment lasted too long Nick. If you keep doing it for too long people will notice. Don't you two wanted to keep your relationship private?" Taecyeon argued.

"Don't be such a buzz kill hyung!!" Wooyoung smacked his shoulder.

"It's getting on my nerves him doing that everytime she's here. Get a room you two." Taecyeon sighed.

"You're just jealous I scored a sexy chick. Why don't ask Guigui out? I'm sure she totally be down to spend time with you."

"Pass... She's too hyper for my taste." Taecyeon rejected.

"This motherfucker... I guess I gotta go right now Jiejie. I'll see you later, please watch me live and wo ai ni." Tanghao blew another kiss towards Feifei before leaving.

They took a flight towards Hong Kong where they met by fans all over. Tanghao being Chinese made it easy to communicate. He flashed some cool gestures at the camera. He loved the attention, he was definitely Mama's boy.

Entering the massive stadium the group greeted their fellow peers.

"What's up there Harry I hear ya group is gonna perform. Good luck man." Nick shook hands with Harry.

"Same here big bro. I really enjoyed the new song y'all got." Waved Harry.

Walking past the girls of AOA he could hear them giggle. He was certain at least one of them was a fan. He saluted at Simon Dominic and his U-kiss boys. Junsu once more reunited with his old pal Jay Park.

"What's up old friend I see you brought your entire group with you. Hey Nick you looking real fresh today congrats on the new song!" Jay nodded.

"I look forward for the collab big bro." Nick hollered back as he got into his seat.

One by one different idol groups performed their latest songs. Seeing the rap battle between Block B and BTS was pretty dope to watch. Even he had to admit Rap Monster was hella talented. Once 2pm got ready, they delivered to their best abilities. They gave quite a sexy performance with ADTOY followed by an energetic Go Crazy. Jay Park hollered at his old friends at 2pm.

Nick Chou: 2pm's Taiwanese Dragon Where stories live. Discover now