Reuniting with Mom

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April 2015

"Are you done yet Feifei? The flight is almost going to arrive soon." Nick said knocking the door of a hotel room.

"In a minute Tanghao I need to make I am presentable as possible in front of your mother." Fei replied from the door. By the looks of she was still changing.

Nick leaned back the against the wall reflecting on the situation they are in. His mom already knew he had a girlfriend so he promised to meet take Feifei to Taiwan to meet her, problem was Feifei was busy with her group as Miss A returned full swinging with the sexy Only You.

Nick spent the whole time supporting his girlfriend including sending some spicy messages, nothing too over top but enough to make her laugh. He would be lying if he didn't find Fei in that blue two-piece skirt sexy. He started having dreams of her performing different acts on him. Feifei had that regal aura of an empress, dignified and assertive. Fei could really be demanding when she wants something.

He could understand his girlfriend's worries. Meeting the parent of your significant other can be intimidating especially if that mother is a famous celebrity. Moms have that trait to be very protective of their sons especially when the girl is known to be pretty. Fei knew more than anyone the need to be presentable after all she is the group's leader. There was also the fact their relationship was still secretive to the public. Everyone at JYP and the friends he interacted all know about their relationship. The more time passes, the more fans begin to take notice how close they are.

"You know Feifei, I don't know if we can keep this secret between us for much longer. I get you want to keep our thing we have going on private so you can focus on work, but fans aren't stupid. I see the comments on social media about us... they're catching on to us... I think now is the time we come clean if not, bad rumors will start and it will affect our fandoms." Nick stated.

The last thing he wanted is fans assuming things and creating a fan war. He knows how crazy some fans from boy groups are. They are extra protective and will fight just about anyone if their precious "oppa" is under attack. It's something that irked Tanghao about Korean fandoms, not Chinese fans were this crazy.

The door opened revealing a dress up Fei in a silky blouse, a red tennis skirt, some fancy heels. Fei truly lived up to her reputation as a fashion goddess. No matter the occasion, Fei always puts extra effort, much like Tanghao himself. Even before their relationship started, they were paired constantly for their love of fashion. Nick himself wore a light green sports jacket and sweatpants, somewhat standard to what he normally wears on stage.

"I appreciate your concern Tanghao, really. It's just that I was really enjoying tranquility between us and revealing it would destroy that. I just need more time, at least when promotions fully finish and then we will reveal it. That is why I'm taking precaution in case the media tries to harass us." In her purse was a face mask, a pair of shades, baseball cap, pepper spray, and headscarf, all the things she needed to remain hidden. Tanghao simply rolled his eyes at the overkill.

"Jiejie, it's just a private trip to see my mom, we're not going to be in public..."

"Still though, I would like to be prepared just in case. When you're in charge of three girls anything can happen. I just want to prepare for the worst-case scenario. I think I have my all my bags let's go Tanghao." Feifei grabbed her fancy purse Tanghao bought for her birthday.

Tanghao shook his head reluctantly as he closed the door and went on out. Being a celebrity couple have made them wary of strangers. Anytime they book a hotel they both make sure it's a hotel that no normal person can have access to and if it's in an area with less people, that makes it better. Feifei was intelligent in terms being discrete. She was nothing like Jay Park's girl who would openly latch on his arms in public. The two acted if they were just mere associates.

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