Opinion needed for Derik and Jennifer's story !

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Hi guys! As you already know, I once attempted to write the story of Derik and Jennifer but stopped.

The main reason behind that is Derik's past. When I was penning down Abi and Akash's story, I didn't care much about the character Anuradha, and now I feel like I was too sloppy with that one.

Anuradha asked for a divorce and threatened to kill herself if he refused to grant it, and he did. She also faked having an affair with someone else and then died. All of these seem too harsh now when I think about it. 

So, the question I have now is: Will you guys support me if I change Derik's past with Anuradha and then continue the story? Please let me know; only then can I continue writing .

Titu_J FahmiS-07 spredyourwing AutumnalMoonlight7 29harshi AK_SK_Stan Ivylina16 AroosiyaSalha Uniquewr_iter maliniwrites Swargaya Ashaangicraze veilvanthal kowsalya14 Abhiayan Resh_Reshma NilaPrithviraj711 nishaBTSlovesARMY Wings_of_ART indurames Devisubbu

I have tagged the people who supported me a lot during the this story.  Hope you guys find some time in you to give me some opinions.

Love you a lot guys.

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