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I was finally on the verge of falling asleep, it was so close. My body tampered with exhaustion, I was dragged into my dreams. I was back in the cottage, everything looked the same but something felt off. I stagger over to the bedroom and that's where I see it. Blood oozing down the walls, drenching the floor and everything in it's path. I hear a strangled scream, it sounded like a child. I whip my head to the direction of the sound and dread washes over me when I see a little girl covered with slashes and cuts, her eye sockets were empty and thick black liquid seeped through them. She began trembling until she went limp. Silence washed over the room until the sound of a knife slicing through raw flesh filled the air. The girl lay down lifeless on the cold cobble ground with a dagger driven through her heart. I glance down at my hands that were once clean now covered in blood, her blood. I woke up screaming.



Callum had brought me a glass of water while I reencountered the events of my dream. It is clear that this was Lucifer's doing. There is some kind of unknown connection between me and him. Mira wrapped a blanket around my shoulders when she realised I was shivering and stayed by my side. We started discussing on how to track him down. With an evil like that roaming down the streets, he shouldn't go unnoticed. We decided to visit the cottage tomorrow since that's where the dream took place and we wil scout the area for any evil remains lurking behind. We've got 17 days left, time is clearly not on our side. Mrs Jackson walked in on us and questioned as to why we were awake at this hour. Callum gave her a briefing as to what happened and as soon as he mentioned the girl, she stiffened, her eyes growing cold. 
"It's just a mindless dream, you shouldn't think about it too much, it will just cause more stress on you. Going to the cottage seems like such a waste of time. Don't go there, do you understand?" She glared at us for a few seconds and then ushered the girls back to their rooms while muttering on how disobedient we are. I eyed Callum for a moment and he stared in her direction in wonder. 
"She's never like this, is she alright" I asked 
Callum shrugged "I honestly have no idea" he said "You should get some sleep, goodnight Julian"
"Goodnight Callum"
But I couldn't sleep, something was wrong with Mrs Jackson. Why was she so desperate for us not to go to the cottage tomorrow? I had to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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