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I couldn't believe myself, Jules was hugging me, he cared about me. After a few moments, he broke the silence by saying

"Sorry, I'm not good at comforting others,"

"What do you mean! You're a natural!" I teased

"Haha oh god you are a wonder Gaby"

I blush at his comment, he is super cute, I had spaced out thinking about what it would feel like spending my entire life with him, and let me tell you it was MAGICAL! But my fantasy was interrupted by Callum's shout.


We rushed downstairs not realizing me and Julian
were holding hands.

"What's wrong!" Mira said worriedly

"Jules, you know that book you took from that old cottage?" Callum asked


"Well I was just reading it and I found something disturbing and I think you should all take a look..." he tried to sound as calm as possible but we all noticed the panic in his voice.

He showed us a symbol of fire and a house that looks like its surrounded by a cage, I was confused so I asked "What does this mean?"

"No- no it can't be! It can't!" Jules had said and it sounded like he was on the verge of crying "Don't tell me I did that.." I noticed his hands shaking in mine and I give him a little squeeze as if to say I'm here.

"Can someone please explain what is happening?" Mira demanded

" Me and Callum were studying symbols a few weeks before I- you know, ran away and we stumbled across this one, we were confused by it since it was very unfamiliar so we did some research about it and we found out that Satan is imprisoned in the core of Hell with very strong magic, it's the only thing powerful enough to capture him. But there was one way he could escape this prison but no one knew what it was, until now..." with tears forming in his eyes he took a deep breath and went on.

"When I found the cottage and started reading in this book I thought it was a bit suspicious that a book like this was in an abandoned place but as soon as I went to sleep I heard shadows drawing me into the darkness and slowly extracting my soul from me, I thought I was just having a nightmare until-"

"Until we found you with a bad cut on your stomach" I finished

" Wait wait I'm confused, isn't Hell Satan's world? Why is he imprisoned in it?" Mira asked

"He is too powerful to be free in his own realm, and I read in that book that he would capture humans and make them his loyal subjects." Jules replied glumly.

"Wait, if the book is how Satan escapes his prison and you opened it, couldn't this shadows you saw be his subjects and they thought you were brave enough to open the Journal to save them?" I suggested "Maybe this isn't that bad after all, if we succeed in imprisoning Satan, we can destroy the Journal so this doesn't happen again and we can free all these poor souls, right?

Everyone was staring at me with disbelief, then Mira finally spoke up with a smile "You really do know how to look at the bright side at the darkest times!"

I wasn't used to being the center of attention but it was nice never loosing hope and making sure the people around you don't loose it too!

Then Callum said "Well what are we waiting for! Lets get working on a plan. We will need to do some research and gather supplies and-"

"1 more thing, when Satan comes into this world he can take shape of any human, male or female..." Jules had said looking drained

"Uh well this mission just got a lot harder" Callum said slumping back in his chair

"WAIT, I read in a book before that he has a human name is can't change he has to go by, I think it was Lucifer or something, isn't that worth a try?" I asked with a optimistic smile

"OH MY GOD GABY YOU ARE RIGHT, YES! THATS TRUE! HOW DIDN'T WE THINK OF THAT! HE PROBABLY WILL HAVE A FAKE ID BUT WITH THAT NAME! THATS THE ONE THING HE CAN'T CHANGE ABOUT HIMSELF," Jules looked at me with a hopeful gleam in his eyes and gave me a hug! I hugged him back but inside, my heart danced with joy.

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