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I ran, ran like nothing mattered, I didn't care anymore, I mean like why should I, it's not like anyone cared about me...here is a bit about me and my miserable life. My name is Julian but most people call me Jules, today is the 7 of April I turned 16 yesterday, no one noticed, no one remembered, as many of you can relate I am the middle child which means I can often be forgotten but I never thought it would come to a point where it would be my birthday...My sister Mira, she is the one who remembers everything, she is the one who I can relate to because she is my older sister, so back to the present, I ran away from home leaving a note for Mira so she doesn't worry.

It started raining hard but to my amazement, I found this abandoned cottage. It didn't look fancy or anything but after everything I have been through, the appearance of a crappy cottage was the least of my worries. I dashed in and locked the door, I took a minute to observe the room around me...there were broken pieces of a table nearby scattered across the floor and an empty bottle of wine smashed into the middle of the table. The place looked uninhabited as if all the happiness was once there but slowly drained out of it...just like me.

There was a small room not far from where I was standing, I edged towards it slowly I found that someone has lit up a fire in the fireplace. But who? Was someone else with me? I didn't know but I was suddenly drawn to an open book lying on the mantle on top of the fireplace. I sat down on a neatly made bed and started going through the book reading very carefully. It had contained a lot of dark stuff and stuff about the Underworld and that Satan himself could disguise himself amongst us and drag people into Hell watching as their bodies withered and their souls all held in power of The Pyx as they slowly turn into one of His loyal subjects...

I started to feel a bit sleepy so I put the book where I found it and tried to sleep but I couldn't help but feel that someone was watching me...I looked around but there was no one so I tried to sleep once more but this time I could hear whispers...I could see the shadows of Satan's subjects reaching their decaying hands out to me tearing my face apart

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