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As silence filled the air, an overwhelming emotion took over my catatonic body and my heart started pounding like a hammer in my chest, the pain spread everywhere and I let out a soft whimper, just as everyone looked at me in concern, their attention was suddenly directed elsewhere, Mrs Jackson had just barged in through the creaking door and glanced at us in dismay. She asked "What is going on my dear children? Is everything alright?"
Gaby shook her head and I noticed her slim fingers trembling in fear, Callum gave me a sideways look and I motioned for him to go on. He told his mother everything that went on while she was out and a look of satisfaction flashed across her wrinkled face but it was quickly overtaken by sorrow. I looked around but no one else seem to have noticed, I was probably just imagining things up until Mrs Jackson uttered "Oh that must have been a very upsetting discovery to find out, but I have to ask, does that mean you will stop your search for Him?"

"NO!" Julian burst out "It is my fault he escaped and I will make sure he is rotting in his hellish prison the way he deserves no matter the cost!"

Mrs Jackson hesitated for a while and then said, "Very well, but if you want to keep up your search you must rest, go on up, Julian you can sleep with Callum and girls you may follow me to the guest bedroom across from the boys' room. I will ring up Gaby's mother to tell her that you both will be staying here tonight."

We did as we were told and rushed off to bed, but at somewhere around dawn we heard a deafening scream emerge from Callum's room, me and Gaby woke up with a start and knew exactly who's scream that was.


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