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I looked next to me and I saw Gaby with red eyes like she had been crying, my heart shattered into a thousand pieces, I couldn't bare to see her like this but I didn't know what to do or say, you may not know this about me but I don't really know how to express my emotions that well to others except my sister. That's why Gaby doesn't know I like her yet.

Once we finished eating I felt a bit tired so while Callum and Mira were cleaning and washing up i went and lay down a bit on the couch, then I started to cough, it felt like I was suffocating, I broke down and started to cry, I felt a pair of arms pull me into a warm hug and tell me its okay and then something amazing happened, I heard singing, I wiped my tears away and looked to where the voice was coming from. And there she was, my angel, singing. Gaby was there sitting next to me caressing my hair and singing my favorite song which instantly made me feel at ease. I noticed that she was closing her eyes so I took that moment to admire every detail about her. Her gorgeous light brown hair that flows down to her waist, her green eyes that sadly at the moment I couldn't see, I noticed she isn't much shorter than I was. I am 5'7 and she was around 5'6, her angelic voice relaxing every bone in my body. Finally, I feel like I found a family where I belong, here with my sister, Callum, and Gaby, and not forgetting Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, they have been so kind about helping me I truly appreciate it. I can't believe it, I found my family!

When Gaby finished her beautiful song I spoke.

"Gaby...you always know what to do at the exact moment to make me feel better, you truly are a miracle worker. Thank you for being there for me all the time."

"Of course Jules you are a very special person to me and if anything happens to you I don't know what I would do," she said just as a tear escaped her eye

"Gaby are you okay, your eyes are really red, were you crying?" I asked, fear rising up to my throat.

"Uh yeah haha I'm okay," she wipes her tear. Just as she was about to leave I grabbed her wrist and I pull her next to me on the couch, I folded my arms around her and her body fit perfectly and it was clear that it's my turn to comfort her. 

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