Chapter 68 - The Witch (1)

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Chapter 68 - The Witch (1)

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Chapter 68 - The Witch (1)

The next day.

The afternoon had passed, but there was no sign of Salvador, which was unusual because he often preferred being in his room to anywhere else. Qing Lin was sitting beside the window, looking out when the door creaked open. However, the person entering wasn't Alexandre but the same black cat which had once entered the room with his nonchalant personality, its head up high.

"Calico, wait!" A voice urged from behind with the fury of footsteps as a girl entered; she was the same young maid with blonde hair and soft peach eyes, who possessed a tendency to trip over things.

"Calico!" She bent on her knees as she quickly grabbed the cat, and stared down in a horrified at the black footprints it had created. The cat, named Calico, meowed harmlessly at her.

"No, Calico! What did you do?!" The girl shrieked, horrified, "The elder maids had just cleaned this room, you rascal!"

Calico meowed again, apparently proud of its footwork.

"It's not something to be proud about!" The girl said, "Oh no, if master returns now, both your and my lives will be ruined!"

The cat was still looking at its footwork in a self obsessed manner, insouciant of its owners words.

"Calico, if master sees this, you'll no longer get any dried fish," The girl whispered, successfully grasping the cat's attention. The cat meowed, its expression mortified.

"Forget dried fish, you won't even get that high quality food. You and I will have to make do with rocks!" The girl said, and the cat's expression mortified further as it looked at its footwork with a new insight; no longer self obsession but anxiety. It started licking its paws clean.

"That won't do Calico, the harm is already done," The girl shook her head ruefully. The cat shook its head and meowed, as if urging the girl to come up with a solution to save its high quality food.

"But," The girl looked at him sharply, catching his gaze, "If you stay here quietly, no roaming around and let me clean this, there's a high chance of saving your fish and food."

The cat nodded as the girl smiled, patted its head and placed it on the window. For a second, Qing Lin felt as if the girl and her eyes met, for the girl smiled. Qing Lin felt a shiver down her spine, however, the girl soon turned around and was in no time cleaning the room. Qing Lin sighed, relieved that it was just her hyper active senses.

In a few minutes, the room was shining again, filled with the smell of soap. The girl looked at her work proudly, and Qing Lin found some similarities between the girl's proud expression and the cat's. Indeed, they were similar like a master and its pet.

"C'mon Calico, we're done here. No more coming here for the sake of your food, okay?" The girl chided the black cat, who meowed with low spirits. The girl sighed with a smile and picked him up as she said, "Come, I'll feed you something good okay?" The cat looked at her, meowing brightly and the girl laughed, "You naughty little brat, I'm nothing but food for you, huh? So cruel." The girl shook her head as she begin to walk away, however she turned back for a moment, holding Qing Lin's eyes, giving her the weird sensation that she was looking at her.

"Miss, one would appreciate if you could stop looking out of the window from such a precarious position. It'll take away the breath of a person," The girl smiled. It took a moment for Qing Lin to register. She didn't see anybody else but the girl and her. The cat meowed in agreement, nodding its head in a seemingly wise manner.

"You're talking to me?" Qing Lin asked tentatively. The girl nodded, "And you can see me?"

" 'Course I can. I'm a child with some, ah, weird abilities. I can see the living as well as the dead, including spirits. But what amuses me is, the young master also seems to know you?" The girl asked, her lips curled upward.

"Is he not supposed to?"

"Oh, I didn't mean it that way. The thing is, you may have observed, nobody notices you because of your form. Except people like me. But as far as I know, young master isn't like me. He's different. He's more... normal, tyrannically normal, if I were to say."

"And how can you be so sure?" Qing Lin raised an eyebrow, "He may have been hiding it all along."

"Oh, if he were hiding it all along, then I'd be a humiliation to people of my kind. We know when we see someone if they're like us or not. We just know." The girl smiled, rubbing the cat's forehead, "See this cat? It's a clever one," The cat puffed up proudly, "It's just like me, like us. I knew it the moment I pulled it out of the garbage bin. Oh, heaven knows what it was even doing inside one," The girl chuckled as the cat meowed in protest, as if wanting to save it's dignity and honour, "Yes, yes, I understand. I won't bring it up again, alright?"

"Aube!" Someone yelled from behind, "How many times must I reiterate for you to never bring that wretched cat again?!"

"Head maid, I don't have him with me!" The girl, named Aube, threw Calico towards Qing Lin, startling her as she said, "Miss, take care of this damn cat for me, will you?" She winked as she rushed downstairs without waiting for an answer.

The cat meowed and stretched, looking up at Qing Lin, innocently.

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