Chapter 45 - Selfish

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Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

A series of sobs.

A choking voice.

The endless solidity dawning upon. A whisper of retaliation.

Morto retracted his hand, about to touch the classroom's entrance door. He couldn't bring himself to open it. He was afraid that he had heard something he wasn't supposed to. He was perplexed.

By today, he had already observed that Esperanza was being strange. Sure, after her amnesia, she might have changed, but today... it wasn't like her. A bright face. A voluntary approach. A curt reply to him. And the basic thing... cold eyes towards him. So, he had decided to follow her when she left. Who knew he'll be witness to such a scene?

'Why is it that I still love you after everything you put me through?'

Love? Qing Lin loved Zhang Wei. Duke Lev was a replica of Zhang Wei- of course, only by looks. But what exactly did she mean by, 'everything you put me through?' As far as he remembered, Qing Lin and Zhang Wei had just started dating before he died in his previous life. Zhang Wei was the kind of boyfriend any girl would've desired- tender, caring and loyal. Even though he had only seen them from afar on certain occasions, he could easily make out that Zhang Wei only had eyes on Qing Lin.

Had a rift occurred between them after his death? But could the rift be acute to the point that Qing Lin, who had never resented anyone in her lifetime, even her damned brother who ignored her despite every time she chased him, could bring herself to resent him?

'No, I don't love him anymore.'

No, you do. You still love him but hate him simultaneously. Even if I'm clear about my feelings for you which were a misconception all along, as your friend, I hate to watch you break down like this.

But what can I do? You'll probably hate me if I poke around in your business, even for genuine reasons. After all, you never trusted me.

He turned around reluctantly, and slowly, walked away.

I'm sorry. Forgive me for being a selfish coward. I just don't want the history to repeat again.


"Did you find what you were looking for?" The princess asked as Esperanza took her seat. She nodded her head in response with a smile on her face. Promptly, her eyes met with Morto's, who instantly averted his gaze down at his food. Esperanza raised an eyebrow but decided to ignore it.

"Are there any deserts around here? I think I'll prefer having something sweet." Esperanza asked. Her question was followed by sudden violent coughs from Morto who had happened to choke on his food, and a baffled stare from the princess. Esperanza realized something was off with the question she had asked.

"Prefer something sweet? You've got to be kidding me!" Morto said

Indeed, she had asked the wrong question.

"What's wrong with me preferring sweets?" She asked, deciding to get to the end of this matter. She could use amnesia as an excuse to cover anyway.

"You used to abhor sweets to the extent you would feel nauseous at a single bite and puke it up! Now you're asking for sweets? Has the amnesia got in your head?" Morto said while the princess nodded, agreeing with his statement.

So she abhorred sweets, huh? Pretty bad, I needed one to placate my wretched mood.

"Who knows? But since you describe it so profoundly, I shall not have it. After all, I don't want to end up puking." She sighed and glanced around. Her eyes fell upon him, Lev, who was talking with his sister as the both of them ate their food with great relish. She clenched her fists. She hated the fact that he could live in such happiness, while here she was, being annihilated by her despair and resentment. The pain within her heart was yet so fresh like it had been pierced just a few seconds ago.

"Greetings, Lady Esperanza! It's been a while since I've seen you. I'm glad to see that you appear to be fully recovered!" Said a female voice which made Esperanza snort, which was left unnoticed by everybody. If she were to make a list of the people she wouldn't want to cross paths with in this lifetime, the person at the top would always be The Saintess Margarita, who had just greeted her.

Wow, first him and now her. The gods must be laughing damn hard at me from above.

"Greetings, Saintess. I'm so honored to receive your concern," Esperanza said whilst she bowed.

"Oh my, why are you calling me with that formal title? Didn't you agree to call me by my name?" The saintess said as she feigned disappointment. Esperanza's face, which was not yet visible to anyone because she was bowing, scrunched with disgust. She recalled that Qing Lin indeed had come to such an agreement. A foolish agreement, an attempt to ruin her reputation.

But who cares? What's done is already done.

"Forgive me, but I believe that was before I lost my memories. But if we had reached such an agreement, allow me, Margarita." She smiled. After all, she had gotten used to playing the villainess. Living with a ruined reputation was no Herculean task for her.

The saintess turned around. "Ah, my friend is calling for me. I don't think we can continue our conversation... What a pity, I'd loved to talk with you." She sighed. "Then, I shall get going. May the blessings of Ilamas fall upon you." She curtsied and left.

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