Chapter 63 - Information Guild (2)

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Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

"Him?" Qing Lin asked, perplexed, "Are you sure about it?"

"Why not?" Forêt asked.

"I mean..." Qing Lin said, trying to rephrase her words, thrown aback by the asperity of the words she previously spoke, "He's so young. On top of that, he's blind and suffered a traumatic experience. Are you sure about letting a child who's gone through so much guide me alone? Consider his safety purpose too."

"Oh, you don't need to worry," Forêt laughed, "Our Lune is quite strong, isn't he?" She nudged playfully on his shoulder, and Lune blushed with embarrassment while he nodded. Qing Lin observed him carefully and finally sighed in agreement.

"That's great then!" Forêt exclaimed, "Now, Lune, you remember the shop we went to last time?" Lune seemed to register her words carefully before he nodded his head, "You have to take her there,"

"I will," Lune responded as he jumped from his seat, eager to take on the responsibility. Qing Lin got up, thanked Forêt for her assistance, and followed Lune who skipped along the path joyfully. Qing Lin followed him through the bustling streets, feeling uncomfortable with each passing second. A couple of minutes later, the crowd seemed to disperse; in fact, they had reached in front of a relatively less crowded shop. Qing Lin suspected it to be the fact that the shop seemed to exude a certain elegance accentuated by its simplicity, which didn't fit well with the free-spirited people.

Qing Lin was about to step inside when she noticed Lune hovering behind.

"Aren't you coming in?" Qing Lin asked.

"N_No..." Lune shook his head.


"W_Well..." Lune glanced around nervously, "The people h_here don't l_like my s_sister so..."

"Oh," Qing Lin nodded, recalling the tension in Forêt's voice, "I understand. Thank you,"

But, Lune was still in his tracks.

"Do you want to say something?" Qing Lin asked.

"Well..." Lune glanced around once again, "C_Could you just come down a l_little closer? There's o_one confidential thing..." Qing Lin crouched to his level, and he whispered, "The c_code for t_the guild is I_I'd like a b_buttered pancake..." Qing Lin registered the words carefully and nodded. He then ran off the way he came from. Qing Lin stepped inside the shop, and a light jingle of a bell resonated within. All the heads stuck out, curiously looking at her. An amiable waiter greeted her and guided her within.

"What would you like, Miss?" The waiter asked.

"I'd like a buttered pancake," Qing Lin said, and the waiter paused in his tracks, flashed a rather disingenuous smile, and responded, "Certainly, if you'd follow me," Qing Lin followed him as he climbed up the stairs. They climbed almost three flights, before finally stopping in front of a room. The waiter gestured for her to go inside.

Qing Lin entered the room, which seemed to exude the same simplicity as the entire shop. The waiter seated her on a couch and served her with a cup of tea before departing. A minute after the waiter's departure, a hooded person entered. The person seated themself in front of Qing Lin and crossed their legs.

"So," The person's voice, vaguely masculine, said, "What service do you require?"

"I'd like you to help me identify a person," Qing Lin responded, "I have her picture with me," She shuffled through her small pouch, which jingled with money, and pulled out the picture of the girl. She placed it on the table between them. The hooded person picked it up and scrutinised it carefully, before placing it back on the table with a defeated sigh.

"I apologise,but I suspect this person doesn't exist, at least not in this empire," Theperson said. 

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