Chapter 49 - Too Late

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Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

The sky was veiled with a wisp of white, as beautiful, glittering flakes descended slowly from the sky. One of them fell into the hands of a girl, who stared at them incomprehensibly. Her profile was covered with a thick, fur coat, as white as the snow descending upon the land. A ferocious, yet mildly cold breeze blew by, and the hood of her coat fell.

Her cheeks were red from the cold. Her sapphire eyes were staring in mute wonder at the sky. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she saw such a beautiful sky.

As the snowflakes fell on her hand, sending a tingling, mild sensation of its coldness on the tip of her finger, Esperanza's mind drifted back to her past. The sky had been yet so beautiful the day she died. Her body had been covered in the cold, the snowflakes of the first winter descending upon her.

For the people in the Serenitas empire, the first winter when the snowflakes fell was an auspicious day; a day of blessings and joy. Ironically, it had been the most miserable day of her life for her. She truly was the empire's darkness, her thoughts, beliefs, and life were always a contrast to everybody else's.

"Esperanza! The doctor advised you to not stay in the cold for long!" Athlos Hiver's voice broke her from her reminiscence. She smiled softly as she approached her.

"Oh my god! Look at your face, it's all red!" Athlos Hiver exclaimed in a concerned tone. Esperanza, however, stood still and silent, smiling as the princess fretted about.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" Esperanza asked, looking at the sky once again. Athlos Hiver realized as she looked at Esperanza, that she was in her state of agony which was never known to anyone, and which she would never share. She nodded.

"Why is the first snowflake fall considered auspicious, I wonder? It's merely just another day. Then why are people so enthusiastic?" She asked.

"Because it was when the first emperor found this empire and it prospered. I think you've known this since you were young." Athlos Hiver responded.

"But that was centuries ago. The empire has already been found, and it's prospered to a better extent than when the emperor found it. It's just the same ridiculous day that occurs every year," She said, her voice taking a low, dangerous turn.

"No, it's not just the day. It's just that these people are so ridiculously hopeful," She muttered.

Athlos Hiver was silent. Promptly, she grabbed Esperanza's hand.

"Isn't your debutante approaching? I heard from Callidus that the designer will be coming to present her dresses today in the afternoon. Let's go before we're too late!" Athlos Hiver smiled and pulled her along.

As she grabbed her hand, Athlos Hiver's ears turned crimson red momentarily, unnoticeable to the entire world, but obvious to Esperanza. She looked down, her eyes on the brim of tears.

It's not late for me, but it's too late for you already.

At the mansion.

The designer presented to them her dresses, as she boasted as to the fabric and gemstones used in the creation of the dresses. Indeed, the dresses lived up to the boasting of the designer; they were exquisitely crafted, with silk which added a delicate shade to the color of every dress, and were adorned with the most charming gemstones. To conclude, they were extravagant, befitting the high status of a duke's daughter.

It was the winter vacation in the academy, and Esperanza's debutante had been scheduled within this vacation and was soon to take place four days after. Esperanza observed the dresses one by one. If it were her past self, she would've been hesitant in buying them. But, when she understood the noble society, she realized that If she doesn't dress up in a way that befits the status of her family, then she'd be ridiculed.

Her eyes caught a glimmer at the very far end of the queue of dresses. She asked the designer to present the dress which was the last. The designer presented it to her, and for a moment, Esperanza was too mind-blown to say anything.

It was a fascinating dress of white satin. It spread out loosely behind. The shoulder was covered with white laces, and in the center of the laces, was a luminous diamond. It was not exactly extravagant, but charming enough to lure somebody. Esperanza smiled with melancholy.

"I wonder what is the purpose of a wedding dress here?" She asked with a smile. The designer looked back at the dress, as if she hadn't realized, and was shocked. She looked at Esperanza, then the dress, then at Esperanza. She hastily bowed.

"Forgive me, my lady! I must've mistakenly placed it here! I'll_I'll take it away immediately!" She said as she started commanding her people. However, Esperanza stopped her.

"Wait, I'll take this one with me, along with another dress of my liking." She smiled. The designer was perturbed but realized she wasn't in a position to say anything. She continued showing Esperanza the dresses. Meanwhile, Athlos Hiver stared at Esperanza, completely surprised, however silent.

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