Standing at the edge of Zayn and Harry's mattress, the same mattress he's crawled into more times than he could count -the times he purposefully tucked Harry's pillow under him while he and Zayn were screwing simply so he could be fucked by the man's husband on it - now sits with a silent threat not to touch it. 

As if he's a vampire he felt the need to be invited in, or on the bed. 

Zayn takes pity on the boy, he sits in his spot on the bed with his back against the headboard like always, his pillow propped up, glasses on his nose, his iPad on his lap, and remote in his hand. He smiles patting the spot next to him, "Reserved for you," he swears softly, Niall having to bite back a moan at the sweet words.

Putting his knees on the bed he pauses seeing Harry opening the door to the connect ensuite, "Headline time," he hums patting Louis' backside as the pair settle into the rocking chair next to the bed.

Niall makes no mention of the new addition as he tries settling into his spot next to Zayn which feels wrong. He couldn't shake how disgusting sitting next to the man felt. Niall knew he still loved him but he blamed him, he was angry at him, he didn't want to submit to him yet felt the immense desire to forego every opposing thought he had to dive into the man's hands - to offer himself purely to him - to fully submit.

Before Niall can again be dragged into subspace by his own demons, the headlines begin and he sees the anchor he'd watched for the past six months, he can see the lips moving, yet the words don't make it to his ears.

He feels the chills return to his arms, he'd never truly listened to the headlines before he'd always found Zayn much more interesting.

"Today we have the demolition of the Ferris-way bridge-" 

Niall's gasp shocks even himself, he stills in the bed, Zayn's arms have snaked their way around him, they tighten at the sound that emits from him, "Is something wrong?" Niall shakes his head not trusting his own voice as tears prick his eyes. 

The skip remembers just turning 18, he had just taken his test and was awaiting results when his buddy asked him to join him to see the cool bridge being blown up. Niall was there when the Ferris-way bridge was demoed, he took a brick from it as a keepsake.

Forcing himself to remain neutral through the rest of the headlines, Niall couldn't bolt from the master's bedroom fast enough, "Liam is asleep, don't wake him," Harry warns seeing the boy hurriedly leap from the bed booking it toward the door. Niall glances at him over his shoulder, "O-okay," 

Suppressing his sobs until he made it to the bathroom connected to their room, Niall quickly turned on the shower undressing before stepping in and letting them spill from his lips.

Having the thought he was being lied to was one thing, having it confirmed terrified the skip. He was angry he ever met Zayn, and furious he fell in love with the bastard who truly had no intention of leaving his husband. 

Niall had to pass that test, he needed to take away the ability of Harry Malik to be in complete control of his life. Once he was a submissive, even a level six, he could fight to be reassigned, to be removed from the home - from the clutches of the evil Owners.

It hurt his heart to think of Zayn as evil. Could it be he was a victim in this?

No. Niall thought to himself, he dried his eyes ensuring he was fully sobbed out before turning the water off and stepping from the shower. Wrapping a towel around himself he sniffles running a hand through his hair lazily glancing in the mirror. The steam from his shower had fully engulfed the mirror, he sighed beginning to wipe one off shrieking when he saw Harry standing behind him glaring.

The master quickly slaps his hand over the boy's mouth, his lips touching the boy's ear as he whispers, "I told you Liam is asleep," he warns, Niall shakily nods placing his own hand over Harry's, "I wanted to welcome you home, I never did," the master retorts taking his hand away stepping in front of him, Niall scoffs rolling his eyes, "G-gee thanks, y-you could've done that without scaring the shit out of me-"

"Language," Harry scolds lowering his voice, "I want this to work, Niall." he admits extending his hand to the boy, "You hate me," Niall accuses, the man smirks shaking his head, "If you truly think that, you're dumber than I accounted you for," placing his hand in Niall's, Harry pulls him close pressing his lips to Niall's forehead that slick with water from his dripping hair, "You're a lot more like me then you think," Gripping the back of Niall's neck, he forces the skip to make eye contact with him, "If you think you're the only one he's done this too, I feel sorry for you." Letting his hand drop, Harry bids him a silent good night as he exits the bathroom.

Niall watches him walk away holding his chest as tears slip from his eyes, he stares in the mirror seeing his chest littered with love bites from him and Zayn's lovemaking that afternoon, he doesn't even remember it.

Subspace had kept him from being a part of it.

Hanging his towel up he retreats to his and Liam's bedroom passing by the sleeping submissive as he crawls into his bed, "Goodnight Liam," he whispers more to himself, he feels safe knowing the boy is ten feet away from him.


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