ch 15

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"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

Hearing those words first thing in the morning became (unfortunately) a routine part of Minho's day.

"You know, it feels so cold when you ignore me like that," Lucas said as Minho made sure his door locked properly.

"Then bundle up," Minho muttered back.

The two began walking together down the dormitory's hall when Lucas commented, "Rushing out again?"

It was the first day of midterms. Because all students were supposed to head to class a little earlier so the exam could start smoothly, Jeongkook made the bread shuttles prepare their breakfast in advance.

"And they can't leave my desk until I get there," Minho recalled, prompting him to walk a little faster.

Once they got to the school, like usual, Lucas parted ways silently at the first stairwell. The hallway was getting busier with students here and there, and conversations were at their peak.

"Are you ready for history?"

"Forget history, I'm not ready for anything except my own death."

"Eunwoo, man you've been coming so early lately!"


Minho whipped around. Just now, he swore he heard the stupid name amidst the crowd. For his entire stay, he hadn't yet seen the person he was supposed to avoid, and it was quite impossible to avoid someone you didn't know the face of. He went as far as searching for Eunwoo's social media, but he couldn't find anyone.

Alas, all Minho found were the golden eyes of Lucas Francois looking back at him. But if Minho learned anything about the strange student, it was that he was also being cautious of exposing their strange relationship to others. He didn't even bother smiling like he usually would; he looked back at the other students he was talking to before they walked up the stairs.

Grumbling under his breath, Minho resumed his walk to class.

Lucas Francois was indeed a popular student, evident by the many people who would talk to him just during the morning. 

"Why can't he just bother all his other friends instead of me?" 

Minho didn't bother asking the system which seemed to know nothing about Lucas.

He himself stopped for no conversations and went straight to his classroom where he could see the breadshuttles kneeling by his desk.

"Y-you're here!" the bread shuttle sputtered. "Here is your pastry and coffee!"

And as the bread shuttle got used to, Minho dropped money on the floor. It was always a little over the actual amount of cost, but the bread shuttle only shouted, "Thank you!" before running off.

While eating his breakfast, Minho skimmed his notes and ignored the other students who were trickling in. There was the posse that greeted him, but they seemed to know that Lee Minho didn't like being interrupted while studying. They talked amongst themselves at another table.

Then once the teacher walked in, everyone immediately settled down. Minho glanced around before sighing. The atmosphere was tense.

"No shit. With everyone's parents being CEOs of something, it's a given that everyone's expected to get high grades or rank high."

The platinum-haired boy put away his things as the teacher went over the general logistics of the exams.

He took out the pencil he had been studying with every night and passed over the exam being handed out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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