ch 11

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a/n: I realized i made a dumb mistake in talking about the korean school year schedule in ch 1: the new school year starts in MARCH, and currently it is APRIL. this half of the semester ends in july and starts again in august/september. there are midterms at the end of april and finals in july. then the second semester ends in FEBRUARY, which is when Minho will be banished.

the fl will come during summer break, which is why minho says he only has 2 months... he technically has only 2 months until he may end up meeting the girl and end up being a target of the said eunwoo. sorry for the confusion!

❖ ── ✦ ──『♛』── ✦ ── ❖

The walk to the karaoke was quiet only for Minho. Since it was prime time for students to go to cafes or libraries with their friends after hagwon, the streets were filled with people his age talking out loud.

"Augh, I don't know how I'm supposed to study for this midterm," one student was whining as her friends all agreed.

Minho agreed with them.

He had never studied as much as he did until that day, and he was drained with just that one day. Studying for the exams in a week, at the end of April, was sure to be a challenge. He had purposely avoided asking the system if there would be a punishment associated with not getting a high grade, knowing that Casper would assert one right then and now, but he was beginning to worry.

Averting his attention from his thoughts to the transparent screen in front of him, Minho navigated his way through the alleys to a small karaoke on the lower level.

{ You have arrived, } Casper cawed, taking away the screen from Minho's sight.

"Wow, no way!" Minho rolled his eyes as he rolled his head toward the LED sign that brightly read: Karaoke. However, he quickly stopped his attitude and asked, "So what do I do? Just go in, sit in the same seat Minho usually sits in, take a few sips of drinks, and say nothing more than 5 words?"

{ Answer: Yes. You will only watch for today. }

Minho looked at the crow perched on the railing for a long time. He wasn't sure why the reward money was so large just to sit there and watch. But it wasn't as if he could prevent whatever was going to happen now that he was there.

With a skeptical mind, the boy took a breath and went down the stairs to the karaoke.

The smell of smoke was pungent the moment Minho opened the door.

The man sitting on the counter looked up briefly before going back to the news blaring from a small computer in front of him. Minho simply walked past to the room Casper had told him to enter earlier.

Many eyes landed on him when he took a step in.

"Oh, look who decided to come!" a lean boy, who Minho could assume was Hyunjoon sunbae, grinned. He had blonde hair with the sides of his head shaved, and he had a piercing on one ear.

There were already a few people in there. Jeongkook was one, but he was too busy talking to some older girls to greet Minho. The girls, on the other hand, stopped listening to him.

"Oh my gosh, you're so cute!"

"Your hair is like snow...can I touch it?"

"Noonas, Minho is on the shy side," Hyunjoon snickered. 

As typical Lee Minho would react, the boy ignored everyone and sat on the other corner of the couch Hyunjoon was sitting on. The girls left Jeongkook and sat around Minho. They were wearing modest but expensive dresses as if going to a match-making session*, which turned Minho off. They were clearly much older, and to flirt with a high schooler...

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