ch 6

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Minho slumped against the rooftop fence, slinking down to the ground beside the unconscious boy. He glanced at the poor student and sighed.

"The coast is clear, right?" he asked the system, which cawed in confirmation."Alright then, inventory." 

On cue, a digital screen ripped the space in front of Minho, and he reached inside, grabbing one of the many emergency kits he stowed beforehand.

{ Host, there are more important tasks than this, } Casper objected. It watched through its cocked head as Minho swiftly soaked a cotton ball with alcohol and rubbed the reddest of the areas on his victim's face. Through it all, his face was collected.

Minho was skilled in simple medical procedures, including stitching if needed. After spending years in a hospital, he had gotten close to the nurses and learned skills from them during his free time as a result. It came in handy when he would injure himself during soccer games with friends, but who knew he would be using the same skills to wrap up someone he hit intentionally?

After he finished applying cooling agents to the victim's wrist, Minho rose from the ground, sighing. He trudged his way into the stairwell and closed the door.

{ Host, there are more important tasks than this, } Casper repeated like a robot. It was perched on a tree outside, peering at the boy through the stairwell window.

Minho sat at the top of the stairs. It felt so strange to witness the beating of Cheol-Woo. Although he had seen bullying at his school, he was never the one to initiate it. To see someone laying on the ground with others kicking with all their might was not something he wanted to bear witness to right at his feet.

"Alright, whatever," he sighed sarcastically as he closed his eyes. From his inventory, he took out the lunchbox the maid had made and opened it. "So what's more important than making sure someone isn't dead?"

{ You must maintain your status as the untouchable villain- }

"How interesting," a voice uttered, breaking Casper's telepathic transmission. Minho looked up from his lunchbox to the source of the familiar voice, only to see the face of a person he saw a day ago.

"Why are you eating a packed lunch by yourself up here?" 

It was the blackette he met in the neighborhood he went through to try to find his original house. His golden eyes peered into Minho's own, but Minho refused to look away. Was this why he said he would see him soon? They went to the same school, for Pete's sake!

"...I can eat wherever I want," Minho replied, keeping to his villainous personality. His tone was quite sharp compared to what he was used to, but he was still wary of this particular person.

There was a low chuckle that caused the stranger's hair to bounce softly.

"That's true," the stranger mused. He walked up the steps until he was face to face with Minho and took out a pack of cigarettes. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm heading for the rooftop."

Minho froze. Cheol-woo was still bandaged and unconscious there. If someone were to see him properly cleaned up while Minho was the only person close by, wouldn't anyone put two and two together? There were different lots of stairwells that led to sectioned rooftops. What were the chances that he would be sitting by the rooftop with an unconscious victim? If this boy suspects that Minho treated the victim, he would surely be shocked by the system, and that was the last thing Minho wanted.

"Wait," Minho said desperately, trying to maintain his glare, "don't you know who I am? Why are you just walking past me like this?"

"According to what you said yesterday, I don't know a lot about you," the blackette smirked.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭Where stories live. Discover now