Chapter 1: why, just why me?

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I didn't ask to be here, but god has his favorites and I am not one of them.

It all happened around a year ago. I had a field trip to Savannah, Georgia for our semester-long history project sophomore year. I did not want to be in a semester-long group project, but there I was. I guess the field trip made up for it in a way. Or so I thought.

It all went pretty normal at first: We got there, went out for food, walked around town, etc. My group and I had around an hour left to spare when we got approached by a woman with short black hair.

"Hi! Sorry if this is last minute but we just had a group cancel their reservation to tour the Sorrel Weed House and we were wondering if you'd like to take their place. Only five dollars a person!" She exclaimed. I was bored, but I wasn't that bored.

One girl from my group spoke up, "Isn't that place, like, haunted?"

All of a sudden, out of nowhere the spirit of a white person in a horror film took over my body and I had every ounce of motivation and desire to enter that house. Surely I wouldn't regret this decision later. Nope.

Unfortunately, I was the only one in the group who wanted to go. Some thought it was creepy, others thought it was dumb. However, that wasn't going to stop me. I handed the lady five dollars and followed her to the entrance. The rest of the group went off somewhere else and told me to text them when I got out.

I followed her through the halls of the old house, half listening to what she was saying, half wondering what I would do if the roof happened to crumble and fall out of nowhere.

Catching both of us off guard, her phone rings. She picks it up, "I'm sorry this is my emergency phone. Please excuse me, Don't touch anything!" I gave her a polite nod as she proceeded to leave the room.

I immediately started to touch the furniture in the room. I didn't know if they had cameras, but even if they did I was out of there the next day so it didn't matter. As I was checking out a pillar, I started wondering what'd taken that lady so long.

Then I had a feeling. A gut feeling. But this one was different. Like my gut was yelling at me to turn around for my life.

My head whips around and for a second, I see a horrifying, dark, slender creature reaching for my chest. I swing my arm at it as it takes a scratch under my collar bones. I blinked once and it disappeared.

What the fuck was that? Some kind of prank? No, it left way too quickly. A hallucination? It can't be, it scratched my chest. Or, atleast, I thought it did. But there was no mark. But if there's no mark why does it sting?

I take a second to collect myself and find the exit. I texted my group I've left the Sorrel Weed House and made my way to a fast food place to meet them for a quick dinner.

As the day ended, we made our way back to the motel and got settled. After a few games of cards (Which I won most... or at least once... my memory's a little fuzzy but I'm sure I won at one point.) I told them I was heading to bed. As I layed in bed, I started to theorize what I had encountered in the house. I didn't have anyone to share my experience with, and if I told anyone I'd probably be labeled as insane. My ass did not need a visit to a psych ward. At least not right then.

My roommate joined me a little while later as we both decided to hit the hay.

A small leap in time and I woke up. I wasn't sure what got me up, but as I sat up I realized my roommate was gone. That's... weird. I grabbed my phone to check the time. Exactly midnight. How coincidental.

I was about to lay back down when I heard shuffling from the bathroom. I chalked it up to it being my roommate taking a late night pee or something, but something felt... off. I couldn't describe it, but the rummaging noises from the bathroom felt... out of place?

𝓓𝓲𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓮𝓷𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮? | SBG x readerWhere stories live. Discover now