18 - Junior but Cupcakke

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-Later that evening-

"I hate this so much, I can't breathe just hurry up holy shit!" I huff. Cody is currently putting a wig cap on me while Joseph has me pinned down. It's literally suffocating me and it's tight at hell.

"Junior you look like one of those hairless cats when you pull their skin back." Cody says, laughing so hard that he's forming tears.

Eventually it slaps on, and the boys shoot me approving looks.

Cody leaves the room for a moment and comes back with a long firey red wig, along with a concerningly short blue dress. My jaw drops a tad.

"Cody I'm a girl, not a prostitute. I don't wanna wear the color blue either." I whine.

"You're gonna wear it, and you're gonna look sexy alright. PJ is gonna pop through his zipper when you walk in the room." Cody reassures. I nod weakly from the sitting position on the floor.

He hands me the attire and I move to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I put on my wig and dress.

I don't look half bad..

I twirl my hair in the mirror and straighten out my dress. I notice a tag sticking out from the side that says 'Cody's'. Weird.

I might as well add to this look somehow.

I dig in some drawers before discovering Rose's lipstick and putting it on. Along with some mascara. I give myself a thumbs up in the mirror and walk out of the bathroom.

"Hope I don't get pinkeye." I mutter to myself.

Once I walk out, on my immediate right there's a laundry basket full of clean clothes. On the very top are a pair of freshly washed bright red panties.

Why do I lowkey wanna take these..

I check all directions before snatching them and running back to the bathroom. The lace is rough against my skin when I put them on. Though the look finally feels completed.

I head back to the living room where my friends are. Immediately when I walk in, their faces turn to a look of shock. Cody's is maybe more of a look of awe.

"Do I look the part yet?" I ask quietly. "I feel like a fag."

Cody stares, his mouth agape for just a moment. "Junior I'm not into girls but I would totally tap that." He says shakily.

"Me too dude! Except for the first half." Joseph adds.

"Oh, okay then! Let's go!" I exclaim. We all run downstairs happily, knowing we're getting a ride from Jeffy.

My panties are so far up my ass how do girls do this..

"Jeffy is already waiting outside, let's go guys." I say, sprinting past the kitchen. My friends follow closely behind me.

Chef PeePee gets a glimpse of my getup.

"What the-I don't even wanna know." He sighs.

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