08 - Trust Fall?

116 2 7

TW: Nausea

Junior's eyes light up, as he forces himself off the ground and rushes towards the front door. His vision is blackening again as he opens the door.

"Hi Cody!"

"Hi Junio-"

Junior's body collapses into the other boys as he faints. Cody stands frozen for a moment before putting the other boy over his shoulder and walking into the house. He closes the front door, and then carries Junior to the nearest bathroom. He sets him down on his side gently, on the cold hard tile.

Cody sighs and walks out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. He sees Chef PeePee making some sort of concoction in a pan.

"Hey PeePee, Junior just passed out do you have any water?" the boy questions.

Chef PeePee turns to his side and rolls his eyes, "Junior left his unfinished water on the floor right there. Are you sure you're not hungover too? You look exhausted." he says.

Cody smiles gently, grabbing the glass of water off of the floor. "Yeah, I barely drank. I just wanna take care of him." he says, coming back up from the floor.

The chef makes a slightly disturbed expression. "That's gay Cody. Junior doesn't deserve to be taken care of, he's such a brat!" he huffs.

"That's kind of the point. It's so cute when I have to take care of him." Cody smiles, walking past Chef PeePee and out the other side of the island.

"What??" The chef exclaims, off-put by Cody's words.

"What? Bye!" Cody provides a shy smile and wave, rushing back to the bathroom.

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