06 - A Deal

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Meanwhile at Junior's..


"What you little brat! Can't you see I'm busy trying to cook stuff for your dad so he doesn't beat my ass?" Chef Peepee scowls, entering the room to see a fragile Junior curled up on the red couch. "Why do you need all these pain killers anyway! acting like-"

Junior shifted on the couch, causing an empty bottle to comedically roll out from under it and land right in front of Chef Peepee's feet.

Junior met eyes with the older man with a frightened look on his face.

"OHHHHH! I'm going to tell yo Daddy!" Chef Peepee's grin fills up his entire face and his eyes sparkle at the opportunity. He sucks in his breath, preparing to shout for Bowser.

"NO! NO! Please Chef Peepee. Don't do it, I swear I'll do anything please." The red haired boy begged, reaching his spare hand towards the chef's clothing, clinging on so he couldn't escape.

The older man laughs, "Junior when you think of a damn thing that you could do to make me not go tell yo daddy, then let me know. But as of right now, as of right now yeah you're done. You got an hour." he strides away.

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