07 - Karmaugh

103 2 0

TW: Nausea

Junior exhales loudly.

He was holding his breath out of fright.

If his dad found out, oh... Junior didn't even want to think about it.

He sat up from the couch and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He shot a text to Cody.

'Come over please, you'll know what to do.'

'Since when did you use manners?'

'For emergencies.'

'Okay, I'm coming.'

He begins brainstorming what he could possibly do for Chef PeePee that didn't sound atrocious. Junior's throbbing headache was circulating throughout his entire body at this point, he wasn't even sure he COULD do anything for Chef PeePee.

That's why he needs Cody to tell him what to do.

'I need a drink of water.' Junior thinks to himself.

The red haired boy gets up, sloppily rushing himself to the kitchen. Why was he so dehydrated? He shoves himself past Chef PeePee who in response mutters something not so kid friendly. Junior pours himself a big glass of water, before his vision begins to blur. He feels nauseated almost, and decides he needs to sit down immediately.

Taking his cup of water, Junior can only make it a few steps before he has to promptly set his glass on the table and slowly collapse onto the kitchen floor.

"Chef PeePee I'm gonna pass out." he shudders, grounding himself by leaning against a cabinet.

Chef PeePee looks down from his standing place. "Well, if it isn't the consequences of your own actions." he laughs, getting back to cooking.

"Can you hand me my water?" Junior weakly extends his hand out towards the table, he looks back up at Chef PeePee with pleading eyes.

"Ugh you brat. Fine, here, hell." The older man exaggeratingly throws up his hands before grabbing Junior's water aggressively and handing it to him. As Junior takes a few sips, there's a knock at the door. "Did you seriously invite people over Junior? You still have to do something for me. You don't need to have friends over, you're all annoying and obviously like to get into stuff you're not supposed to be getting into." Chef PeePee sighs.

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