Chapter 32

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Earlier today, Damian visited Axel to talk with him. He knocked on the door and waited for him. He heard the door open and it was Axel in the house.

Axel: Oh shit. Hi Damian.

Damian: Hi Axel. How have you been?

Axel: I've been doing good. How about you?

Damian: Same here. Is it okay if we talk inside?

Axel: I don't mind.

Damian walked inside the house and Axel closed it.

Axel: Do you want anything to drink? Maybe some soda?

Damian: What kind do you have?

Axel: There's cherry, orange, grape, pineapple, and mango.

Damian: I haven't had mango soda before, so I guess I can try it.

Axel walked to the fridge and opened the door. He grabbed two mango sodas and closed the fridge door. He headed to the couch where Damian was sitti.

He sat down and handed Damian one of the sodas. They both opened their cans at the same time.

Axel: So, what did you want to talk to me about?

Damian: Well, I wanted to tell you that me and Jack came up with some kind of reunion for you, Jeremy, and David.

Axel: You and Jack want us all to have a reunion?

Damian: Yes. You haven't seen David and Jeremy for a while. We figured this is the perfect opportunity for you guys to get together.

Axel: I don't know. I've been pranking you guys for a while back then. I don't know if they would even wanna see me again. I'm a little surprised that you even visited me.

Damian: I know. But, you are now a better person. I want you to know that I cared about you. Even though you did give me a lot of trouble, I still saw you as my friend. I don't know how Jeremy or David thinks of you.

Axel: You mean it?

Damian: Of course i do.

Axel: Wow. I didn't expect you to say all that.

Damian: So, what do you say?

Axel: Okay. I'll go. But, where are we gonna have the reunion?

Damian: How about Safe Haven?

Axel: I don't see why not.

Damian: Then, it's settled. Tomorrow at Safe Haven.

Axel: But, where exactly?

Damian: How about the park?

Axel: Yeah. Let's go with that.

Axel then got a notification on his phone. He checked to see what it was. It was a text from Jack.

Axel: Oh. I forgot about that.

Damian: What?

Axel: I gave Jack my contact info.

When Axel opened the text, he blushed extremely red. He showed Damian the text and he also blushed, but his blush wasn't like Axel's. It was an image of Jack's erect dick.

Damian licked his lips and cleaned the drool off his face.

Damian: I forgot how big Jack's dick is. I miss getting pounded by that big slab.

Axel put his phone on the couch and covered his face. Damian grabbed his soda and took a sip.

Damian: Are you not gonna drink your soda? You're the one that got it out of the fridge.

Axel: I just need a moment to calm down.

Damian: Is it because of what I said?

Axel nodded his head and Damian giggled. He moved over so that he could sit next to Axel. He put his shoulder over his arm and had his mouth close to his ear.

Damian: Do you wanna get fucked by Jack so badly? Do you also miss how his dick chokes you? What about how his dick slaps against your ass while you moan?

Axel put his face on his knees and put his arms on his legs. Damian giggled and patted his shoulder.

Damian: Sorry to do that to you. I got carried away.

Axel: It's okay. To be honest, I miss Jack fucking me too.

Damian: By the way, I actually received that picture earlier.

Axel: The one that had Jack's erect dick?

Damian: Yeah. I actually drooled a lot before I got here.

Axel: You thirsty for his dick huh?

Damian: What can I say? Other than the fact I maybe got obsessed with me wanting to get fucked by him, I have nothing else to say.

Axel: Heh. You are definitely obsessed. I can't blame you.

Damian: I wonder how Jack and Jeremy over there.

Axel: Why don't you go check?

Damian: I should have done that to begin with.

Damian created a portal allowing him to see the other side. He looked and saw Jack and Jeremy sleeping together. Jack's hands were above Jeremy's waist and Jeremy was sleeping on top of Jack.

Damian closed the portal and giggled.

Damian: It seems like someone got carried away.

Axel: What did you see?

Damian: Jack and Jeremy are sleeping together. My best guess is that they had sex and got tired. Little does Jack know, I wanted it to happen.

Axel: He was the only one left?

Damian: Yeah. Now, there's nobody in the friend group that has their virginity. Not even me.

Axel: Yeah. Wait, did you take his virginity?

Damian: Yeah. He fucked me, he fucked you, and he fucked David. I guess Jeremy finally got his taken away.

Axel: I felt bad for Jeremy because he was never able to talk properly to girls.

Damian: That's when you realizes he was gay?

Axel: He actually told us himself.

Damian: He could have told us before.

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