Chapter 5

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Jack and Damian were currently sitting on the couch in the living room. Jack was getting tired even though he had pizza with Damian. He noticed he was getting tired and patted Jack on the shoulder.

Damian: You sleepy Jack?

Jack: Yeah. I don't know why. It's probably the pizza that's making me tired.

Damian: Go ahead and go to sleep.

Jack: Okay. Lord, why am I tired?

Jack slowly laid himself down on the couch. Little did he know, he was sleeping on Damian's thighs. He didn't say much as he thought it was adorable.

Jack: What kind of pillow is this?

Damian: You're sleeping on my thighs, Jack.

Jack: Eh. I'm too tired to care.

Damian: Hold on.

Damian brought the both of them to his room. Jack was about to sleep with his back facing towards Damian. He stopped Jack and teleported on top of him.

Jack: Damian? What are you doing?

Damian: I wanna sleep with you.

Jack: You have the other side of the bed.

Damian: No. I wanna sleep next to you dork.

Jack: Oh. Be my guest.

Damian: Thank you.

Damian was now sleeping on top of Jack. He had his arms around his shoulders. Damian gave Jack a kiss on his cheek.

Jack: Oh. You wanna do that now?

Damian: Yeah. Is there something wrong?

Jack pushed Damian off and he was now on the bed laying on his stomach. Damian didn't know what was going on. Jack suddenly got on top of him.

Damian: I didn't know you were like that Jack.

Jack: You don't know what will happen.

Jack started running his groin between Damian's butt. Damian let out a small moan as he was enjoying this.

Jack: You enjoying this Damian?

Damian: You have no idea how much Jack.

Jack: Too bad. I was just teasing you.

Jack got off Damian and laid back on the bed. Damian looked at Jack like he wanted more. Jack knew he messed up.

Damian: Come on Jack. You can't tell me that's all you got.

Jack: I was just teasing you.

Damian: Sure you were.

Jack: What time is it?

Damian: 4:15 pm. I guess we can sleep until 9:30 pm.

Jack: Agreed.

Jack and Damian slept for about 5 hours and 10 minutes. Damian got up, but Jack was still sleeping. Damian teleported in front of Jack and patted his shoulder.

Damian: Jack. Wake up. It's time to take a shower.

Jack: You go ahead. You can go first.

Damian: Okay.

Damian got his spare change of clothes and headed to the shower. Jack got up after Damian went in the bathroom. He waited patiently for his turn to take a shower.

After 10 minutes, Damian finally got out of the shower. Jack was walking to the bathroom and couldn't help but wonder why Damian had a smirk on his face. He got in the bathroom and turned the shower on.

Damian thought of how he would mess around with Jack while he was in the shower. When he heard the shower turn on, he waited 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, he was ready.

Suddenly, Jack felt his groin being touched.

Jack: W-What the?

Suddenly, he felt something grabbed his dick and it started to stroke it. Jack was wondering who would do something like this. Then, it clicked that Damian was responsible.

Damain flew towards the bathroom door and heard moans coming from Jack. He went through the door and saw Jack squirming. He could tell Jack was enjoying it.

Jack: Damian. When I get to you-

Damian: No need for that Jack. I'm already here.

Jack: Damian. Stop this please.

Damian: What do you mean?

Jack: I know it's you doing this. Please stop.

Damian: Oh Jack. You seem to be enjoying yourself. But, I guess I have to end it.

Jack no longer flet something grabbing his dick. Damian want through the bathroom door again and Jack continued taking a shower. After 4 minutes, Jack finally got out of the shower.

He got a towel and started drying himself. Jack was finally dry and he walked out of the bathroom.

Jack: Why did Damian do that?

Jack knocked on Damian's bedroom door. He opened the door and saw Jack there. He had a smirk on bis face.

Damian: Did you like that Jack?

Jack: Don't do that again Damian.

Damian: Come on. You know you liked it. Just admit it.

Jack: No I didn't. My dick was sensitive.

Damian: That's even better.

Jack: No it's not.

Damian: Come on Jack. I'm just messing with you. But, you know I'm actually teasing you.

Jack didn't want to admit it, but he did like it. Damian knew what he was thinking and smirked again. He opened the bedroom door and let Jack in.

Jack walked in and Damian closed the door. He walked in front of Jack and grabbed his dick.

Jack: No not again.

Damian: Come on Jack. You know you like it. Besides, your dick is big after all.

Damian slowly moved his hand up and down Jack's dick.

Jack: It's still sensitive Damian. Please.

Damian let go of Jack's dick and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Damian: Don't worry. We can save this for later.

Jack knew what Damian meant and didn't like what he had planned for him.

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