Chapter 22

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Jack arrived in the living room and saw Narissa. He decided to see what she was up to. Before he sat down on the couch, she noticed him.

Narissa: Hi Jack. How are things with Damian?

Jack: Things are going good. He's in his room taking a nap right now.

Damian: He must have been busy.

Jack: Not really. Him and Axel played some games at the arcade in Safe Haven. I guess he didn't get enough sleep last night.

Narissa: We both know the reason why.

Jack: You caught me red handed. But, it's not me that starts it.

Narissa: I know. You see, Damian felt sorry for what he did deep down. He just didn't have the courage to apologize.

Jack: That makes sense. But, I don't know why he wants me as his boyfriend.

Narissa: Maybe it's because he's afraid of losing you.

Jack: I'm immortal. I can't die.

Narissa: I know, but there could be ways that could kill you. What if someone takes away your immortality and kills you on the spot?

Jack: I don't know. If I die right now, Damian would have to realize that I won't come back.

Narissa: I understand that. But, please stay with him for the being.

Jack: Don't worry. I will.

Narissa: Thank you Jack.

Jack: I'm gonna check up on Damian.

Narissa: Ok.

Jack got up and headed to Damian's room. He opened the door and saw him still on his bed. He smiled and closed the door quietly.

He walked in the halls and decided to get some fresh air. He thought about the memories he had with his friends.

Jack: I should stop thinking about them. But, I can't help but to feel lonely. Maybe I just need a moment alone.

While walking through the halls, he saw Bozzwick with his back against the wall.

Jack: Hey Bozzwick. It's been some time.

Bozzwick: Yeah. I think it's been a day or two. So, what are you up to?

Jack: I'm thinking about going outside to clear my head a bit.

Bozzwick: Did something happen earlier today?

Jack: It happened yesterday and I haven't got it off my mind since then.

Bozzwick: Well, do you need someone to talk to? Maybe you can get it off your chest.

Jack: I'd rather not say.

Bozzwick: Ok. If you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me if you need.

Jack: Thanks man. I'm glad I can count on you.

Bozzwick: No problem Jack.

Jack continued walking to the front door. He finally reached it and opened the door. He stepped outside and closed it.

Jack took a deep breath in and out. He sat down on the ground and it started to become windy. He looked at the sky and closed his eyes for a couple of seconds.

Then, he heard the door open behind him. He looked and saw Jill. She had a worried look on her face and wanted to see if Jack was okay.

Jack: Hey Jill. What do you need?

Jill: I wanted to check on you. Bozzwick told me something was wrong with you, but you didn't want to say.

Jack: Of course he did.

Jill sat next to Jack and put her hand on his shoulder.

Jack: If you want to know, I'll tell you. I told my best friend that my bad luck curse was gone and he said to me that we can hang out with the others now. When he said that, I felt like he wasn't my actual friend. In fact, I don't think my friends are really my friends.

Jill felt bad for Jack and hugged him. Jack felt a tear falling down his face and didn't bother to get it off. Jill saw it and wiped off the tear.

Jill: He doesn't know what he's saying Jack. Maybe he does care, but said the wrong thing.

Jack: The fact that my friends barely hang out with me says otherwise. Maybe I'm just being paranoid at this point.

Jill: I think it's best not to think about it too much. I don't want you to be depressed forever.

Jack: I'll try. Thank you Jill.

Jill looked behind her and saw Damian.

Jill: Someone's behind you Jack.

Jack looked and saw him. They both got up and Damian floated towards Jack.

Jack: I thought you were taking a nap Damian.

Damian: I wasn't that tired. I just needed a two minute nap.

Jack: Oh ok. Do you need something?

Damian: Yeah. Why do you keep your feelings bottled up?

Jack: I just don't want you to worry about me.

Damian: Come on Jack. You know I worry about you.

Jack: Can we not do this right now? I'm not in the mood.

Damian grabbed Jack by the hand and looked at Jill.

Damian: Can you go inside while I talk to him, Jill?

Jill went inside the house and Damian looked back at Jack.

Jack: Can you please let me go?

Damian: No. I'm not letting you cry your problems away. You gotta get this stuff of your chest Jack.

Jack: I'm sorry, but I'm not letting you get worried.

Damian: I am worried. Come on. Let's go inside and get some hot chocolate.

Jack: Fine. Only because you'd keep bothering me about it.

Damian: There's the Jack I know.

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