Chapter 2

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Jackson couldn't think about what he heard. Damian put his hand on his shoulder and Jack looked at him.

Damian: Jack? You okay?

Jack: I feel like I've been lied to my whole life. I'll be back.

Jack got up from the couch and headed towards the bathroom. While walking, he tried to ask himself if they were actually telling the truth. When he got in the bathroom, he looked at his own reflection.

He looked at his right hand and turned it into a fist. He looked back at the mirror and punched as hard as he could. Fortunately, Jack still had his regeneration.

Jack left the bathroom and was stopped by someone.

Bozzwick: Hey Jack. I heard that noise in the bathroom and I wanted to see if you were okay.

Jack: Oh hi Bozzwick. I punched the bathroom mirror.

Bozzwick: Is there a reason why?

Jack: Lucifer told me that I'm not actually Damian's cousin. We're not even blood related.

Bozzwick: I know.

Jack: Who else knows?

Bozzwick: Major Styx, Tentadora, Jill, and Damian.

Jack: Damn it! No wonder why he's been acting differently for the past week.

Bozzwick: I'm surprised they told you now and didn't bother telling you before.

Jack: Well, I have to head back to the living room. Take care Bozzwick.

Bozzwick: You too Jack.

Jack:*Thinking* Why the hell would they keep that a secret from me? I feel like It's all actually a prank so that they can laugh at me.

Jack still thought all of it was a prank. He headed back to the living room and noticed Damian was gone. He decided to sit back down.

Narissa: You okay Jack?

Jack: Yeah. I might need a few days to accept that this is my life now.

Lucifer: On the bright side, you don't have a curse anymore.

Jack: That's true. But, it's the fact that me and Damian aren't blood related.

Lucifer: Don't worry. Take as much time as you need okay?

Jack: I will.

Narissa: Well, me and Lucifer have to go somewhere to have a meeting with one of the overlords.

Lucifer and Narissa got up from the living room and created a portal to where they needed to be.

Lucifer: See you later Jack.

Jack: See ya. Take care.

Narissa: We will.

They both walked through and closed the portal behind them. Jack put his arms on his knees and put his face on top of his hands. Then, Damian appeared next to Jack on the couch.

Damian: Hey Jack.

Jack: Oh hey Damian.

Damian: Ia everything okay?

Jack: I might need a few days to accept my new life now.

Damian: The good news is you no longer have bad luck.

Jack: You are right. Besides, don't you have a certain girl to crush on?

Damian: About that. I never had a crush on Kayla.

Jack looked at Damian like he said something stupid.

Jack: Did I hear that correctly?

Damian: You did hear what you just heard.

Jack: If you don't have a crush on Kayla, then who is it?

Damian: I think it's obvious. It's the person next to me.

Jack immediately realized who Damian had a crush on. He had a blush on his face.

Jack: M-Me?

Damian: Yes. Ever since my dad told me the truth, I felt like I was taking advantage of the fact you always went out your way to save me. Even though I always made fun of you for having a bad luck curse, you cared about me.

Damian lowered his head and a tear left his eye. Jack wiped the tear off his face and Damian looked at him.

Jack: It's okay Damian. Even though you would push me around and prank me a lot, I still cared deeply about you. I forgive you.

Damian: I didn't even apologize.

Jack: You dont need to.

Damian hugged Jack without warning and Jack fell on his back. He hugged back and patted him on his back. Damian knew he needed a hug and didn't hide it.

Damian: Sorry about that Jackson.

Jack: It's okay. You couldn't help yourself.

Damian: Yeah. Let me get up.

Damian got up and didn't realize he was sitting on Jack's groin.

Jack: Damian?

Damian: Yes Jack?

Jack: You're sitting on my groin. Please get off me.

Damian then realized that he actually was. He then decided to tease Jack. He grinded against Jack's groin making him blush heavily.

Jack: Damian. Please stop.

Damian: Come on Jack. I know you're enjoying this. Just tell the truth and I'll get off.

Jack: I'm enjoying it. Please stop.

Jack was actually enjoying it, but Damian knew he was. To be honest, Damian was enjoying it too. But, Jack's face looked like he was enjoying it more than him.

Damian: Just say you like this and I'll get off.

Jack was covering his face with his hands. He had no choice, but to admit he liked it.

Jack: Okay okay. I like it. Now, please get off.

Damian got off Jack and helped him up. They both sat back down on the couch.

Damian: Sorry about that. To be honest, I was enjoying that too.

Jack: Really?

Damian: Of course I was dork. You're lucky you are so handsome.

Damian kissed Jack on the check and Jack blushed and Damian smiled.

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