Chapter 1

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Jack turned 18 one week ago and from then on, Damian started acting nicer to Jack and his friends. They all thought it was weird, but were glad to know he was becoming a better person. Little did they know, they would soon find out the truth.

Jack decided not to practice today because he needed to take a break. His friends were concerned about him, but Jackson assured them he was okay. He's currently sitting outside the drama theatre.

Jack: Why is Damian acting weirder than usual? Usually, he would burn down the piano in the theatre. I guess it got boring to him after a while.

Jack started to think if Damian was okay. He might have hurt Jack a lot, but that didn't stop Jack from caring about his cousin. When he was about to enter the theatre, Damian popped up in front of Jack.

Damian: Hey Jack.

Jack: Christ. Damian, why did you scare me like that?

Damian: Sorry. I couldn't help myself. Besides, I don't see you practicing with your friends. Is everything okay?

Jack: Yeah i'm okay. I just didn't want to practice today. I gotta give myself a break every now and then.

Damian: True. But, I ask because I didn't see you at all in the theatre. I thought something was wrong.

Jack: Damian, you don't need to worry about me. I know you care, but I promise you. Nothing bad will happen to me.

Damian: Okay. I trust you. Only because I do worry about you.

The bell rang and that meant the school day was over. Jack and Damian were glad the school day was over. Today was a Wednesday.

Jack's friends walked out of the theatre and noticed Jack and Damian.

Damian and Jack: Hey guys.

Zill: Hey guys. How were classes going for you?

Jack: They were good.

Zill: Mines were too

Kayla: What do you guys have planned for the rest of the day?

Damian: I'm gonna hang out with Jack.

Jack: You better not cause any destruction.

Damian: I won't. I promise.

Jack: Sure you do.

Jack patted Damian on the head and he had a small blush on his face.

Jack: What about you guys?

Zill: Kayla and I are going on another date.

Vanexa: Well, I promised Spam I would hang out with him.

Spam: Yeah. We'll spend the whole day together.

Jack: Okay. Number 1, i lost count of how many dates Zill and Kayla have been on, but I'm pretty sure it's a lot. Number 2, Vanexa and Spam hang out because they like each other.

Spam and Vanexa blushed when Jack said that last part.

Damian: Oooh.

Jack: Damian, please don't.

Damian: Sorry. I can't help it if it's true.

Jack: I'm not gonna say anything because you're right.

When they left the academy, they all went their separate ways.

Jack: Bye guys.

Zill, Kayla, Spam, Vanexa: Bye Jack and Damian.

Damian: Hey Jack.

Jack: Yes Damian?

Damian: My dad wants to talk with you about something.

Jack: I mean it has been a while since we've seen each other. I guess it wouldn't hurt.

Damian then opened a portal back to his house and they both walked through. To Jack's surprise, Lucifer was waiting for them. They both sat down in the living room where Lucifer was.

Jack: Hi uncle Lucifer.

Lucifer: No need to call me uncle anymore.

Jack was confused as to why Lucifer said not to call him uncle.

Jack: What are you talking about? Damian is my cousin, right?

Narissa: He is right Jack.

Jack: Hi aunt Narissa.

Narissa: No need to call me aunt anymore.

Jack was even more confused as to why Lucifer doesn't want him to call him uncle and why Narissa doesn't want her to call her aunt.

Jack: What are the two of you talking about? Why can't I call you two aunt and uncle? That makes no sense at all.

Jack then looked at Damian and saw he had a huge blush on his face. Jack was even more confused than he was before. Jack thought this was a prank or something.

Jack: Oh. I see what's going on. This is probably some prank you guys decided to pull on me. Well, it's not working.

Damian: Jack, it's not a prank. I swear.

Jack looked back at Damian and noticed he was hugging his arm. Jack felt like he could lose his mind. Jack took a deep breath in and out to calm himself down.

Jack: Please tell me what's going on or I will lose my mind.

Lucifer and Narissa looked at each other. Narissa nodded her hear letting him know he can tell him. Lucifer sighed and looked at Jack.

Lucifer then put his hand on Jack's head and it glowed red. Jack felt something happening to him, but he couldn't describe it. When it was over, Lucifer removed his hand and Jack felt different.

Jack: What was that?

Narissa: Lucifer replaced your bad luck with good luck.

Jack: What? But why?

Narissa: Because it's time for you to know the truth Jack.

Lucifer: You see. You and Damian aren't blood related at all.

Jack didn't know what to say as he was too shocked. Jack looked at his hands as if he felt like he was lied to his entire life.

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