𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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Mako and Bolin hadn't found Kai yet. On the bright side, they had found their family. After years away from them, the two brothers finally met their grandmother, uncle, and cousins. They couldn't be happier. None of them had ever imagined their visit to Ba Sing Se would have brought them to their family.

Unfortunately, not everything was rosy and perfect. Bolin and Mako's family did not know their parents, San and Naoki, had passed away many years ago and soon what was supposed to be a happy family reunion turned darker.

However, the happiness of reuniting with their relatives again didn't let the sadness the bad news brought linger for long. Mako and Bolin were beyond happy to be with their kin, especially when they got along so well.

They spoke about their life in Republic City and how they were helping the Avatar find airbenders in Ba Sing Se. That was when the mood in the room changed.

'What?' a confused Bolin asked as he looked around. His cousins had all worried expressions on their faces. 'What happened?'

'One of our neighbours started airbending about a week ago,' their uncle, Chow, began explaining. 'A couple days later, two Dai Li agents come out of nowhere and snatch him up. No one's seen him since.'

'They say the Earth Queen's locking all the airbenders up somewhere and using them for experiments,' Tu added just to be reprehended by his grandmother who was a great devotee of the queen.

'We have to get back to the Upper Ring and tell Korra,' a worried Mako said and got up.

Bolin joined his brother and stood up as well while grabbing a stack of buns. The two brothers then began walking to the door. Mako opened it and his eyes widened. He had seen a lot in his life, particularly now that he was in Team Avatar. But nothing would have prepared him for what he just saw.

'Nike?' he asked, shocked as he looked at the lady dressed in green in front of him with her hand ready to knock on the door.

All of Bolin and Mako's relatives looked at the door to see who was there.

'Ah! Nira!' Yin exclaimed with a smile.

'Nira?' Bolin was even more confused than his brother.

'What have you brought today? Good stuff?' Tu asked as he approached the door.

'You look just like a friend of ours, Nira!' a still oblivious Bolin commented.

Nike didn't dare to say a word. She didn't know what to say or how to react. She was just as shocked as the two brothers.

'Really?' Tu replied with a smile. 'Who?'

'Nike,' Mako said seriously.

'Nike, the pro-bender?' Chow joined the conversation.

'Yes,' the firebender confirmed. 'What are you doing here, Nike?'

'I...' Nike was lost for words. Her golden eyes didn't have the light they usually had every time she went to Lady Yin's home with some food. They were filled with astonishment and confusion.

'Nira brings us food every week,' Tu was the only one who was able to say something in the middle of all that. 'She works in an Upper Ring teashop and gives us the leftover food.'

'Why don't we all talk about this over some cakes and tea?' Chow suggested noticing how uncomfortable the young lady was feeling.

They all sat at the big table in the room and Chow along with his son took the food from the bag Nike handed them. It hadn't much – some fruit, cakes, and a little pot with some tea leaves. He distributed the goods to the ones around the table and then addressed Nike.

•• 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 •• (The Legend of Korra/Mako fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now