The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!

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*It is night at McDuck Manor and Scrooge McDuck is sleeping. Then, Magica's shadow appeared*

Magica: (laughing manically)

Lena: Will you stop? That's really annoying.

Magica: You're really annoying. I give you one simple task.

Lena: Simple? How in the heck is this simple?

Magica: All you have to do is pose as the pink one's friend. Gain her trust. Get invited to a series of sleepovers, forge a Vesuvian diamond dagger that can cut through anything, sneak into Scrooge's room while sleeps to enact my grim revenge, and-

Lena: And cut loose Scrooge's number one dime without him waking up while you yell at me the whole time.

Scrooge: Um, ah.

Magica: I'm not yelling, I'm whispering harshly! You want your freedom, you do as I order.

Lena: I'm not your puppet. You really want to hurt Scrooge, be my guest.

Magica: I would love to, but, (tries to attack Scrooge), I miss carnage. Quickly, the eclipse is coming. with it my power grows but it's still hard without the dime.

Lena: Would you just quiet down. We don't want to get caught.

*Then, the door opens to reveal Webby*

Webby: Lena, what are you doing?

Lena: Uhhhh...

*opening theme*

Lena: Ehhh...

Scrooge: Get your filthy chimney hands off my hard earned mountain. Yah!

Webby: What were you doing in Scrooge's room?

Lena: What were you doing there?

Webby: Oh nothing. Definitely not collecting drool samples while he sleeps.

Lena: No, you think it's silly.

Webby: What?

Lena: Well, it's just Mr. McDuck's pretty cool, I may have caught a bit of the obsession bug from you.

Webby: Oh no, sorry you caught THE GREATEST DISEASE EVER! Oh oh, let's start a fan club, oh, the fan club should start a blood oath. Oh let's take a blood oath!

Lena: Or... we can start by checking out Scrooge's number one dime.

Webby: Huh, I wish. He keeps it to himself, that selfishly lovable genius, but I do have an exhaustively researched presentation on the life and times of Scrooge McDuck!

Lena: Oh no.

Webby: Scotland 1867: A duckling is hatched to humble beginnings.

Lena & Magica: Ugh.

*With the quadruplets*

Dewey: (Concentrating)

Jewel: Almost.....Almost.....

Louie: And... time!

Dewey: Ulp, hah! Did I do it? Did I break the world record for doing slash folding laundry?

Louie: According to this very real almanac, you... missed the record by two seconds.

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