Daytrip of Doom!

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*The episode opens on a beautiful morning at McDuck Manor. Scrooge McDuck wakes up from his sleep, puts on his slippers and dressing gown and goes to open the window.*

Scrooge: Aaah, good morning, you gleaming bin of bounty.

*He stares out of it, looking at his Money Bin in the distance. Suddenly, Mrs Beakley enters the room carrying a tea tray, looking disheveled.*

Scrooge: Beakley?!

Beakley: I feel I should prepare you, for what's out there. (She starts pouring tea.)

Scrooge: How bad can it be? Lid left off the peanut butter? Errant roller-skate left on the stairway?

*As Scrooge opens the door, a bunch of foam-darts fly towards him. He quickly grabs Beakley's tea tray and shields himself from the darts, causing the tea set to fly into the air and Beakley to catch it.*

Scrooge: An elaborate series of cutthroat war games?

*Huey is running away from a dart-shooting Dewey.*

Dewey: Take that! (shoots dart gun)

Scrooge: Dewey! (takes gun and aims it) Don't yell at your target before you fire, you'll lose the element of surprise.

*Scrooge hands the gun back to Dewey and walks off. Louie runs past him and shoots at Dewey while laughing, hitting the wall and a vase which Mrs. Beakley dives to catch. But, Jewel catches it much to Beakey's relief*

Beakley: Thank you Jewel.

Jewel: You're welcome.

Louie: Good hand, Beakley! Nice catch, Jewel! (dodges darts then returns fire)

Beakley: When I said you should spend more time with your family I did not mean move them in!

*Through infrared/night vision, we see Louie running down the hall laughing. A shadowy figure wearing night vision goggles hangs from the chandelier.*

Webby: Target acquired.

*As Louie stops in the middle of the hall, Webby (still in shadow) uses a grapple gun to grapple to the chandelier above. She fires on Louie, prompting him to run and trigger a trap that throws pillows at him, knocking him to the ground.*

Louie: You set traps!? It's just a game!

Webby: You're not a player, you're a pawn.

Dewey: W-Webby, maybe take it down a notch.


Dewey: What?

Webby: It's part of my character's backstory; grizzled ex-special forces pulled out of retirement for revenge. What's yours?

Dewey: ...My guy has a dart gun?

Webby: Not anymore.

*She shoots Dewey, knocking him down and sending his dart gun flying. Webby then throws her guns away and uses her grapple hook to pull Dewey's gun to her.*

Webby: Ha ha!

*Huey comes across the scene and Webby fires at him. He flees to the foyer in panic.*

Huey: The foyer is a safe zone! The foyer is a saf- AH! (gets tackled)

Webby: This is no foyer... this is a tomb.

Ducktales Reboot with OC: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now