The Impossible Summit of Mount Neverrest

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(Before we begin, the picture is Jewel in her winter gear. Pretend she has earmuffs and soft mittens.)

*The episode commences showing the summit of a mountain.*

Scrooge: Mt. Neverrest, the highest peak in the world. Most prized of the seven summits, Neverrest has claimed the world's finest explorers. It is said to be completely unclimbable, But now that smug stack of stalagmites has to deal with Scrooge McDuck.

Louie: Wait, so instead of spending Christmas in a billionaire's mansion waiting for Santa Claus...

Scrooge: That man is not allowed in my home. He knows what he did.

Louie: We're following an old man up Mt. Certain Doom, here?

Huey: Oh, Mt. Neverrest is three times deadlier than Mt. Certain Doom. The mountain summit remains shrouded in mystery. No one's ever seen the top, which makes it the perfect place to earn my Junior Woodchuck cartography badge. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a topographical landscape that hasn't already been mapped?

Louie: No.

Huey: Well, very. I've got a geographic information system, satellite radar detector, thermal...

Scrooge: Bah, you don't need all that fancy doohickory. All you need is your wits, determination, and these. my old surveying tools.

Huey: Wow, the rusty with the wisdom of experience.

Scrooge: That's the spirit. I'm going to be the first person to set foot on the top of Neverrest.

Huey: And I'm going to be the first person to draw a picture of it.

Launchpad: This is your captain speaking. Flight doors are now open.

Scrooge: Ah, drink it in, kids. Her deadly peaks, her bottomless crevices. Her flawless sheets of brilliant white snow betray no hint of the ancient secrets hidden beneath. Completely untrolled by man, the untamed majesty of Mt. Neverrest.

Webby: Oh, churros.

*opening theme*

Huey: What are all these people doing here? I thought this place was supposed to be uncharted territory. And this map isn't accurate at all. Mountain goats aren't native to this region! 

Jewel: But, why is the sun wearing sunglasses? Is he looking at another, brighter sun?

Scrooge: Don't pay any attention to these tourists, my boy. Nothing but tchotchkes and cheese puffs. We're real explorers.

Huey: Like George Mallardy.

Louie: Who?

Huey: Only the greatest mountaineer of the twentieth century. Legend has it that Mallardy made it farther up the mountain than anyone, but was lost trying to rescue a fellow incompetent climber famously known as the Neverrest Ninny.

Louie: George Mallardy. He died as he lived. Breathing.

Scrooge: Ach, stop your havering. That's just a load of nonsense to sell t-shirts to tourists. We're going to outdo that quitter Mallardy by making it to the top.

Louie: You realize there's a difference between quitting and dying, right?

Scrooge: Not to me.


Dewey: They never have "Dewey."

Webby: Everybody stand back! I've been waiting to do this my whole life. Sledding! Hah, well, okay.

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