McMystery at McDuck McManor!

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*Before you read this chapter, the picture on top is Jewel's detective outfit. Pretend that Jewel still has her black hair*

*It's a normal day at McDuck Manor. Mrs. Beakley and Webby carry luggage bags to the front door and set them down. A crossbow falls out of Webby's bag*

Beakley: Ugh, Webby. A crossbow?

Webby: (sighs) Sorry, Granny.

*She dashes off screen and returns with a longbow and arrows*

Beakley: That's better.

Dewey: What's all this?

Webby: Hey, guys! Every year, I brush up on my survivor skills on a secret island-

Beakley: Ahem!

Webby: I-I mean, a, a, a regular island where young warriors definitely don't combat the forces of nature and each other. (A grenade rolls out of her pack; she kicks it away) Y-you know, it's girl stuff.

Donald: I gotta go! (runs past everyone, down the steps to his car and drives off)

Huey: Why is everyone running off?

Beakley: (sighs) You would figure it out sooner or later. (whispering) Today is Mr. McDuck's birthday.

*all four quadruplets exclaim in surprise*

Huey: Okay people, we are in crisis party planning mode! Louie, you start a guest list. Jewel, you prep the food. Dewey-

Beakley: Absolutely not. Mr. McDuck has a strict no birthday party rule. He hates the reminder that he's-

Louie: Literally the oldest person he knows?

*Jewel elbow bumps Louie while Dewey bursts out in laughter and Huey cracks a smile*

Huey: But our most epic relative deserves the most epic party ever!

Webby: Eh, I don't know. He hasn't had a good one since before his old butler Duckworth died.

*Everyone turns to the portrait of Duckworth dusting a portrait of Scrooge*

Jewel: Oh, that's a bummer. If Uncle Scrooge doesn't want a party, it's best to respect his choice.

Huey: Like this stuffy old guy could beat the party I threw for the Junior Woodchuck Party Planning Committee. It was both work... and play. I'm-

Jewel: Huey, it's not nice to offend the dead. Especially in this family.

Beakley: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Webby: If I don't come back, tell my story!

Huey: Nah, he's gonna love it! Huey's time to shine!

*Transition to nighttime at McDuck Manor*

Scrooge: Another year older, another year richer, and the house to myself. Time to celebrate the peace and quiet... (he notices a strange shadow pass by) Ah! A home invasion! Take that, ya bionic bandits!

*He jumps on the figure (Dewey wearing a visor and holding a keytar) and flattens them. Scrooge notices Huey, Louie, Jewel and three guests in conspicuous disguises stood in the foyer*

Huey, Louie, Jewel, & guests: SURPRISE!

Dewey (keytar): Happy b-b-b-birthdaaaay!

*Scrooge growls*

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