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*Episode opens with Lena and Donald sitting in the TV room of the mansion awkwardly.*

Donald: I'm sure they'll be back soon. (unintelligible)

Lena: What?

*A loud crash sounds*

Lena: Oh! That's probably them.

*Scrooge enters the foyer with money bags on his hands and other treasures. Lena and Donald joins him.*

Scrooge: Haha! Remember that old saying, kids. "Beans, beans, the magical fruit, just plant your beans then grab some loot."

Jewel: Really?

*Huey and Dewey enters the foyer while rolling a huge gold coin.*

Dewey: Man, I've been saying that rhyme all wrong.

*The coin falls. Donald, Huey, Dewey, and Jewel strain to carry it. Louie walks in with a crown and jewelry on.*

Louie: Don't worry, Uncle Scrooge. We'll take this (pats the coin)so you don't throw out your old man back. (leans on the coin)

Scrooge: Nice try, lad, but you know the drill. All money goes to the bin...

Louie: ...not next of kin.

*Louie resignedly takes off the treasure.*

Scrooge: Beakley!

*Beakley walks in with a cart and a vacuum and easily lifts the coin and the four trying to carry it.*

Beakley: Your board of directors called. They say your recent adventures are causing costly damages to the city of Duckburg.

Scrooge: Which I always pay for! Adventure leads to treasure, treasure helps the company, the company helps the town through appreciating investments in long-term civic fiduciary interests.

Beakley: (sarcastically) Yes, what's not to understand? The board has set up a television interview with Roxanne Featherly to help (air quotes) "boost your character."

Scrooge: My character does not need boosting. They're overreacting!

Launchpad: Good news, Mr. McDee! The beanstalk missed the orphanage!

*Launchpad starts a chainsaw to cut through the beanstalk.*

Scrooge: Ugh. What time is the interview?

*Lena is about to put a red jewel into the loot bin when Webby appears, carrying a stone totem head. She hides the jewel.*

Webby: Lenaaaaa! (hugs Lena)

Lena: Yeah, I'm not really a hugger.

Webby: Oh, yeah, no, me neither. Hugs are, like, whatever.... or whatever. (hugs Lena tighter, then lets go) Are you excited for our sleepover? We're gonna brush our teeth, go to bed on time, wake up in the middle of the night confused saying, "Where am I? Oh, that's right. I'm at the best sleepover ever!"

Lena: Mm, so this is your first sleepover?

Webby: Yeah. Last one up the stairs has to brush their teeth twice!

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