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*Part 1*

*The episode starts with a shot of a seagull flying across the sky and to a harbor of ships. The bird caws*

Sailor #1: Hey!

Sailor #2: Eh!

Sailor #3: Go!

*The seagull lands on Donald's boat then fly's away. Donald is getting ready for a job interview with Louie chasing after him holding a uniform*

Louie: Come on! Hold still, Uncle Donald!

Donald: Get off of me!

*Huey is cooking while Jewel is getting orange juice ready.*

Huey: Good morning, Uncle Donald.

Jewel: Ready for today?

*Louie is holding Donald's other clothes and his uniform.*

Louie: You can't wear this to your job interview.

*Louie puts Donald's original uniform in the dishwasher and turns it on.*

Donald: (yelps) My uniform!

Louie: You gotta dress for the job you want, not the job you have, which is no job.

Jewel: It's important to dress nicely for job interviews. 

*Donald's sleeve catches fire but he puts it out.*

Donald: Huey, Jewel, don't touch the stove. That's hot!

*Donald's sleeve gets out of the sink and slaps Donald in the face.*

Huey: But it's a big day, and a big day calls for a big breakfast!

Jewel: And a big drink for good luck!

*Huey shows Donald a plate with words saying "We believe in you Uncle Donald", a egg and a fish are on it. The fish deflates. Jewel shows Donald a cup of orange juice. Huey throws the plate and it shatters while Jewel puts the cup down gently.*

Huey: I'll get the iron.

Donald: Ouch! Ooch!

Jewel: Are you okay?

*Donald starts squawking.*

Donald: Stop helping me. And put on your life vests. What if the boat goes down while the babysitter's here?

Huey, Louie, and Jewel: Yes, Uncle Donald.

Donald: Where is that babysitter?

*Donald picks up the phone and the line starts ringing.*

Donald: Where are you? What? I didn't give you a new address.

*Huey and Louie give each other a look with a smirk while Jewel watches*

Donald: Well, what time can you get here?

*With the babysitter.*

Babysitter: I..don't...know...

*With Donald, Huey, Louie, and Jewel.*

Donald: Crazy old bird.

*Donald hangs up the phone.*

Donald: Where can I find another babysitter at 10:00?

Donald, Huey, Louie, and Jewel: Ten o'clock?

Louie: You gotta go!

Jewel: Like, NOW!!!

*Louie puts the ironing board back and Huey puts Donald's shirt on him. Louie starts pushing Donald.*

Ducktales Reboot with OC: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now