Day of the Only Child!

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*Dewey looks both ways and closes the window's curtains. Dewey opens the chest and looks down*

Webby: You guys! (Dewey gasps) Scrooge just got a new security bot, and it can melt through solid steel, and it is adorable! (DT-87 drops Webby down it's head) Wait, where are Huey, Louie, and Jewel?

Dewey: Who?

Webby: Um, your brothers and sister?

Dewey: Uh, Webby, I don't have brothers or a sister. I'm an only child. 

Webby: Don't be ridicu... (gasps) Oh, no. We must be in some sort of dystopian alternate dimension.

Dewey: Calm down. Everything is fine.

Webby: Exactly what an evil Dewey-doppelganger would say! (She tackles Dewey and fights him) Give it up, Dew-pelganger! Where... is... Dewey?

Huey: Webby, stop! That is Dewey! (He pulls his arm)

Louie: (Grabs Huey) He's just doing a Dewey thing!

Jewel: Let him go! 

Webby: Oh. (She lets go the the quadruplets)

Dewey: Thank you, good Samaritans. You restored my faith in the kindness of random strangers.

Huey: Not even one hour in, and your stupid "Only Child Day" has already almost gotten one of us killed.

Jewel: I told you this was a bad idea!

Webby: "Only" -what-now?

Dewey: It's a beautiful holiday.

Huey: That he made up.

Dewey: Where, for a whole day, we get to be sibling-free (He picks up Webby) and do all the amazing things (He places her down) that an only child gets to do! Make our marks on the world!

Louie: Not have to answer to anyone!

Huey: Be horribly alone?

Dewey: (He pops up to the camera) For once! (Huey pushes his head away)

Jewel: He's been threatening to do it for years, (She pulls out Huey's Waddle Pad out of his hat) but I never thought he could get into Huey's password-protected sibling calendar. (Dewey grabs Huey's Waddle Pad)

Dewey: I have my ways. (The sibling calendar, that says "Only Child Day" with the circled day on it. Then he blows a black marker on the top of it.)

Huey: Of course, he put it on the day I need my brothers, the annual Junior Woodchuck Three-Man Cookout.

Louie: Boring.

Dewey: Ugh. Teamwork.

Louie: Well, as the now sole heir to Scrooge's fortune, I can finally make friends with Doofus Drake, the richest kid in Duckburg. He only mingles with other obscenely rich heirs, so... (shrugs)

Huey: What a snob.

Dewey: He's the worst.

Jewel: Spoiled brat.

Louie: (Gasps) You see the judgement that I have to live with? Well, today, your heartless criticism can't deny me my dream of being shamelessly spoiled.

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