The Spear of Selene!

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*In this chapter, Jewel is named 'Calmer of Sirens' after the first challenge. She stays true to that name by making Ligeia stop singing*

*Thunder crashes. All Scream- oh! Thunder crashes again*

Launchpad: Aw, come on, a little lightning never killed anyone.

Huey: Statistically speaking-

*All Gasp. More lightning and thunder*

Launchpad: See? Nothin' to worry about.

*Dewey clicks some buttons and turns a dial*

Webby: What about that flashing red light?

Launchpad: Huh? That's just probably the "everything is fine" light.

Dewey: Okay, but hypothetically, what if it's not the "everything is not fine" light?

Launchpad: *gasps* Oh, no!

*Screaming as the Sunchaser falls through the sky before crashing, The storm clears and a Lion/ scorpion creature roars*

Jewel: Oh my goodness!

Louie: Where are we?

Huey: According to the JWG, we're off the tip of Greece, and-wait. This can't be right. I thought it was a myth.

Jewel: What? What is this place?

Scrooge: Ithaquack.

Donald: What?!

Kids: It's gorgeous!, Gasping, Look at that!

Scrooge: No.

Donald: No, no, no, no. We gotta go now!

Scrooge: Get this plane in the air!

Launchpad: Sorry, Mr. McDee, gotta figure out what this flashing light means. I always say, better safe than whatever the opposite of safe is. Yeah. I do say that.

Scrooge: When have you ever said that?!

Webby: Hmm. Might as well take a look around.


Donald: No, get back here!

Scrooge: Everyone stay in the plane!

Dewey: See ya!

Webby: Bye-Bye. We're here! We did it!

Dewey: Yeah! Wait, why did we do that?

Webby: Dewey, this is Ithaquack.

Dewey: I'm sorry?

Webby: Home of legendary Greek artifacts?

Dewey: Oh, Greek What, what, what?

Webby: Like the Spear of Selene!

Dewey: Selene! I knew it! My mom's note to Scrooge said she took the Spear of Selene. If we can find the spear,...

Webby: Maybe we'll find out what happened to her and uncover Scrooge's greatest mystery! To the naos! That's Greek for temple.

Dewey: Okay, stop assuming I know things. Like, baseline, assume I know nothing.

*Theme Song Plays*

*Tropical Music playing*

Louie: You're in my light!

Donald: No, we have to get back to the plane. You don't know what's out there.

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