Sun hee's gone??

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Min Ji stood in her bedroom, her hands clenched into fists, her heart pounding with a mixture of anger and determination. She couldn't take it anymore. The continuous torture at the hands of her sister, Sun Hee, had pushed her to the edge. Enough was enough.

With a steely resolve, Min Ji made a decision. She wouldn't be a victim any longer. She wouldn't allow Sun Hee to continue her twisted obsession with Taehyung, Min Ji's own boyfriend. It was time to take matters into her own hands.

She turned the tables, making Sun Hee taste the bitter poison of her own twisted obsession. Every creak of the floorboards, every flicker of light, became instruments of Min Ji's vengeance.

Min Ji's methods were as varied as they were diabolical. She manipulated every element of their shared existence, from the flickering lights that taunted Sun Hee's frayed nerves to the haunting melodies that filled the air, driving her sister to the brink of madness.

The once impenetrable fortress of Sun Hee's psyche crumbled under the weight of Min Ji's relentless onslaught. Every creak of the floorboards, every whisper of the wind, became instruments in Min Ji's twisted symphony of revenge.

Sun Hee's screams echoed through the house, mingling with the whispers of Min Ji's madness. She orchestrated a symphony of terror, ensuring Sun Hee's torment mirrored her own. Each night became a descent into hell, a twisted dance of predator and prey.

Driven to the brink of madness, Sun Hee's grip on reality slipped like sand through her fingers.

As dawn broke, Sun Hee's resolve shattered like glass, and she fled, a broken specter haunted by the ghost of her own obsession. And amidst the ruins of their shattered lives, Min Ji stood alone, a silent sentinel of darkness, the architect of her own twisted justice.

Taehyung's and min ji's result had come out ,taehyung had topped in his stream and min ji scored the best to her expectations. Both were happy as taehyung received an offer letter for a business analyst post in Italy in an well known company. They both thought it's finally over their suffering comes to and end

Not knowing jungkook's twisted plan for taehyung.


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