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I drum my fingers on the desk and look around the office. The sky's an immaculate blue. My friendship with Jisoo should've been just as absolute and beautiful. But...

Doubts drip into my heart, like acid. It burns, and I put my hand over it to soothe it without success. There has to be some mix-up. Some kind of miscommunication that can be cleared up easily.

Gathering myself, I type up my message for my best friend.

–Me: Hey, do you know what happened to the request from the Seok woo group's chairman asking us to design a special diamond set for his wife? Seok woo sent me an email. Apparently he's upset over our lack of response.

One heartbeat. Then two... three... four...

I count up to thirteen. The messenger beeps.

–Jisoo: Oh my God! I'm so sorry. I just found the email in my spam folder! I don't know how it got there.

I put a hand over my burning belly, the air frozen in my lungs. Jennie said Mr. Park called. Regardless of cultural and language barriers, nobody mixes up a call with an email.

–Me: Nobody called to follow up or discuss it personally?

–Jisoo: Nope. I wish somebody had. Then I would've realized their email landed in my spam folder sooner.

But did it...? The skin around my eyes stings, and I blink away the tears. My head feels like a tornado has ripped through it. I can't decide what to feel—what to do.

Finally, I muster a response.

–Me: Okay, I see. Can you please reply to them?

–Jisoo: Drafting an email right now. I am SO sorry! I'll make sure to check the spam folder more carefully from now on!

–Me: Are there other emails too?

What about phone calls? But I can't type the question.

–Jisoo: Just this one, thank God. But it's an important one. We don't want to upset them.

No, we certainly don't. She knows how hard I've worked on this deal. How much I need it to go well so I can prove to everyone I have what it takes to lead the company. If this venture fails, I'll look like an inexperienced fool.

I think I'm going to throw up.

–Me: I don't feel well, so I'm going to head home. Can you reschedule my appointments and meetings, and let me know the new times?

–Jisoo: Of course. I'll let James know you're leaving. Is there anything I can get you before you go? Tylenol?

See? Look how concerned she is for me. How can somebody like this be the one sabotaging my work?

This doesn't add up. Something's fishy. Maybe this perfect Mr. Park lied because he let the request slip through cracks.

Except that doesn't explain the Bae Irene matter.

I close my laptop, shove it into my purse and walk out of the building without saying goodbye to anyone. James is waiting, and I get in and have him pull out.

The cityscape flows by, and I just stare out the window. My brain refuses to process anything. It can't think of a good scenario to explain what Jennie told me without laying the blame on Jisoo, so I won't even try.

I prefer that to attacking my best friend. Or so I tell myself, even though my stomach is twisted into a knot that's growing more painful with each passing moment.

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