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I cast a critical eye on my reflection for the thousandth time. If people knew just how obsessively I've been checking my appearance, there'd be another scandal-rag headline saying Lalisa Manoban is an absolute narcissist.

But I can't worry about that right now. Today's D-day...or R-day. The reception is the first event Taehyung and I are holding as a couple, and I want everything to go smoothly. I'm especially focused on making a good impression on his brothers, whom I still haven't met.

Although he hasn't said much about them, I know they're all very close. He has to be, to have dinner with them—he's insanely busy with all the work he has at Cartier. I also noticed he frequently texts with them, and is generally in a good mood when he interacts with them.

My hair is curled and arranged so it falls over my shoulders and back in soft waves. A couple of topaz butterfly pins keep it in place, and I'm wearing chandelier diamond earrings and a matching necklace and bracelet. My off-white dress with a thigh-high side slit fits perfectly, and the lace trim adds a lovely bridal touch to the look.

I turn my face left, then right. Should I have gone for darker and more dramatic eye shadow? I have an hour before the caterers and quartet arrive. I can redo my makeup.

On the other hand, I'm not the friendliest-looking person in general. Jisoo once said smoky eye makeup can make me look unapproachable, and that isn't what I want.

Friendly. Sweet. Approachable. That's the goal this evening.

"What are you worried about?" Taehyung says, approaching from the kitchen.

I pull my gaze from the reflective surface on the dark glass wall in the living room and look at him over a shoulder. "I just—"

A bespoke tux from Italy fits his broad shoulders and narrow waist perfectly, hiding his raw power underneath a layer of civilized fashion. Cool confidence rolls off him in waves, and the arrogant tilt of his head says the world goes around the way he wills it. There's not even a smidgeon of nerves. He either believes everyone's going to like him or doesn't give a damn what people think. Probably both.

"I just want to make a good impression with your brothers." Then I remember another thing. "And their wives."

Anxiety rachets up.

He comes over and kisses my left-hand knuckles, right above our "engagement" ring. "You're fine."

"Are you sure?"

"My brothers aren't that difficult."

"That isn't what I read."

He arches an eyebrow. "Did you look them up?"

I nod. "Jisoo made a profile for each. Your brothers are intelligent and particular, and they care about you deeply."

He scoffs. "You wasted Jisoo's time, because I would've told you that if you'd asked. And I'm telling you now: there's no reason to be nervous."

I don't know about that. The information Jisoo dug up indicated they're incredibly protective of each other. She wrung her hands when she whispered, "What if they hate you for forcing Taehyung to marry you? Should we try to have a dinner or something before the party? To clear things up?"

"Maybe they don't know," I told her, but that's just wishful thinking and my wanting to delay what could be an ugly encounter. There's absolutely no reason for Taehyung to hide how our marriage came about. Even if he never said a word, they had to know something was up when we got married so quickly and didn't invite them to the wedding. But at least his father attended the ceremony. That should make our union look less weird.

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