~chapter 23~🍋

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lemon warning.
this next chapter will contain 18+ content so if you are under 18 or if you are uncomfortable then please skip this chapter.
thank you.


-kakashi’s pov-

After my time in the Anbu I became quite the “womanizer.” Which was really just me having someone to booty call when I got horny.

Half of the women in the village were falling for me, but I never felt the same for any of them until I laid my eyes on her.

-flash back-

It was a normal day with team 7.

Sakura and Naruto were bickering, Sai was drawing, and I was late as usual.

As I approached the training grounds I saw a woman looking at my students. She seemed awfully familiar, but when she turned and our stares connected I immediately recognized her.

Mori Nezogono, one of the strongest kunoichis in the leaf.

Feared for her water style. Some say she is the best in her clan over 100 years.

Craziest thing was I believed it.

In just 4 years she went from an outsider to a member of the Anbu black ops. Something that took me 9 years, so when she was assigned to my team when I was a captain I can’t say I wasn’t a little hard on her.

“You must be the sensei.” She said, reaching her hand out, “I am Mor-”

“Mori Nezogono.” I cut her off, “Do you not recognize me?” My words were filled with a bit of disappointment.

As we were engaging in small talk we were interrupted by a yellow headed knucklehead.


-end of flashback-

I laughed at the memory, causing Mori to look up at me from her current position. Her head was laying on my lap.

“What are you laughing at?” She asked in a confused voice.

“I was just thinking about when we met that time at the training grounds.” This got a smile on her.

Readjusting her position she scooted closer to me while sitting up, “I remember that day.”

I put my arm around her, “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” A silence took over the room as we stared into each other's eyes.

We moved closer and closer…

My heart was pounding.

Is this really happening?

Just as our faces were inches apart a loud moan came from the movie.

Mori jumped a bit and I wrapped my arms around her causing her to fall back into my body.

“Thanks…” She mumbled.

I chuckled, “No problem.”

That seemed to release some of the built up tension because she went back to her original position, with her head on my lap,

The slight blush on her cheeks were still visible which added to her cuteness.

While I was admiring her, I saw her thighs move a little.

Looking up at the screen I noticed that one of the really “mature” scenes were playing.

And of course my horny ass had to ruin the moment,

unexpected love (female reader x kakashi)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن