~chapter 5~

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~mori's pov~

“So Kakashi, how would you say your taijutsu is?” I question the gray headed man after I asked him to train with me.

“Okay I guess? Why?” His one revealed eye showed much confusion.

“Well I wanna see your strength.” I stated as I placed a long and thick log between the two of us. “Break it.” I told him.

“W-what?” Kakashi seemed confused.

“I said break it.” My tone was more serious as if I was demanding him to. The log was quite thick so I knew he was gonna struggle.

“Okay I guess…” The ninja stood back and lifted his leg before kicking the log but only slightly breaking it.

“Nice try.” I said to Kakashi.

“As if you could do better.” He said. His voice was laced with annoyance.

“Is that a challenge?” I questioned the man.

“Maybe. " He said with a smirk. He sure is cocky for such weak taijutsu. I thought.

“Bet.” I gave him a grin before walking up to three trees that were almost perfectly lined up. I saw that this attracted the kids' attention, so I stepped back and took a deep breath before striking.

*CRACK* All three trees were perfectly blown away.

“Is that good enough Hatake?” I asked the shinbio.

“Ugh how?” He seemed jealous.

“You want me to teach you?” I made a pitiful face before giggling and walking past the man.

I leaned against the tree to fix the bandages on my legs.

“That was quite impressive!” I heard an excited voice say from behind me.

“What?” I turned around to notice a six foot figure with black hair and thick black eyebrows. He was wearing a green tight suit.

“Who are you?” I questioned the odd looking man.

“My name is Might Gai. But please just call me Gai.” The man answered.

“Well Gai, I am Mori Nezgono. Team 7’s co-sensei” I told him.

“Co-sensei you say? I have never seen you around here?” The man asked.

“Well I was recently in the Anbu for 11 years. I have only been out for about a week.” I said.

“I see well your taijutsu is mighty impressive! You are so youthful!” Gai said complimenting me.

“Thank you Gai, I appreciate kindness.” I felt myself blush a little at the complement.

“You're so welcome!” Gai said with overbearing excitement and energy which I guess attracted Kakashi, because I soon felt his presence towering over me.

“Hello my eternal rival!” Gai shouted at Kakashi.

“Hello Gai.” Kakashi replied calmly compared to Gai's thundering voice.

“You know Kakashi, your co-sensei Mori, is amazing at taijutsu!” Gai exclaimed.

“Yes I am aware…” Kakashi flushed with embarrassment.

“Well I will leave you two to talk.” I said to the two men before walking over to the training grounds as I continued to try and focus on my chakra on the ground. I sat down and began to put myself in a meditating position.

“What are you doing?” I heard a calm voice say behind me after a couple minutes of silence.

“AHHH WHAT THE HELL?!” I was immediately caught off by the sudden voice. I looked back to see Sai.

“Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me Sai.” I commented.

“Sorry. But may I ask what are you doing, Mori sensei?” Sai asked.

“I am meditating.” I told Sai.

“But what is your purpose?” He questioned me again.

“Well for this.” I said before standing up and performing a water dragon justsu.

“Wow.” Sai said in amazement. “But why did you have to meditate for that? “

“Because we are not close to any water, I focused my chakra on the ground, sending it throughout the soil to collect any water.” I replied to Sai.

“I see.” He said before walking off.

I stood up and saw that it seemed to be a little late and the ninja still needed to be rewarded for their hardwork.

“Hey guys grab your stuff! You’re done for today! Let's get ramen!” I yelled to the kids.

As I waited for the kids I saw Kakashi start walking away. “Hey Hatake! Where do you think you are going?” I asked the shinbio.

“Oh well I assumed that because I didn't train today I didn’t get to join you guys in ramen for tonight.” Kakashi said.

“I was just messing with you! Get your ass over here silly!” I yelled out to him.

He soon came over to us and joined the group before we made our way towards Ichiraku Ramen.

unexpected love (female reader x kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now