~chapter 10~

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~mori's pov~

My breathing was heavy as me and Kakashi met back to back.

I whispered to him, "They don't seem that strong, we should be able to take them."

"You take 6, I take 6." Kakashi demanded.

"Got it." I agreed as I looked around at my 6 enemies. This will be a piece of cake.

Kakashi lifted up his headband revealing his sharingan which attracted the attention of one of the ninja, "Ah yes. Kakashi Hatake the copy ninja. Is this your little girlfriend?" His eyes averted from Kakashi's to mine.

I scowled. "I am Mori Nezgono from the leaf village."

"I have heard of your clan. You specialize in water jutsus." The same ninja responded. He seems to be the leader.

"Correct. At least you know who you're dying to." I gave him a sarcastic smile.

He let out a growl, "Not if I kill you first."

"Let's not get cocky." I glared at him, sending shivers down his spine.

"Well let's get this over with, we don't have time to spare for them." Kakashi snarled.

I just nodded in response and the fight began. As the ninja charged, the leader sat back and watched as his men made an attack on me and Kakashi. Kakashi got 6 of them as I only got 5.

One of the man pulled out a sword and I soon jumped into a tree and pulled off my shirt, only a chakra vest and a tank top were underneath. The chakra vest soon followed and now a black marking was visible on my chest.

I bit down on my finger letting blood spill from it. "SUMMONING JUTSU!" I yelled putting the blood on the marking and soon a sword appeared half way out of my chest. The man stopped in his tracks. My sword has cracks on it almost like lighting.

"What? Scared?" I mocked him as I ran at him with an incredible speed. The chakra vest was around 75 pounds so dropping it really let me loose. The man just sheepishly put his sword in front of him as I powered my sword with lighting.

Soon our blades hit and with a break his top half fell to the ground. "Sorry." I said as I sliced his head off with ease.

-kakashi's pov-

As my kunai hit against my opponent's axe. I soon was able to get around him and hit him in the back making him fall to the ground.

I turned around to see Mori slice off her own opponent's head. A slightly shocked expressions rested on my face as I saw the hunger and blood lust in her eyes.

She then began on a killing spree. Man after man soon they were all on the ground except one. She glared up at the leader.

"You scared too?" Her voice sounded a bit cocky as she spoke and I couldn't help blushing at her attitude even though it was quite scary.

"As if I would be scared of someone on your level." He scoffed back.

"You sure are confident for someone who just lost all his men to someone on my level." Mori snapped back.

He just let out a growl, "Fine try and kill me but I won't be the one dying."

"I guess we can't know until we try right?" And with that she was off. Her speed was incredible. Almost too fast for the human eyes.
Before I knew it she was behind him with a kunai to his throat as i seemed she unsummoned her sword.

"I won't let you kill me that easily." He said as he performed and earth jutsu that captured Mori's legs but as they began to grip harder she popped into a pool of water.

Ah I see she used a water clone. Smart. I thought before seeing the real Mori jump out of the trees.

"And you thought I would go into battle with such a weak move." She smirked as she spoke.

The leader was furious and in a quick haste he summoned a bobcat.

"Haha cute cat." Mori's face was very relaxed as she spoke. "SUMMONING JUTSU!" Soon an all white tiger stood beside her. "But is it a match for Yuri here?"

The man's eyes widen in shock. As the two cats kept a strong eye contact, but all of a sudden Mori got onto Yuri and they took off targeting the man. Yuri went into a leap and Mori jumped off at least 20 feet in the air as she performed hands signs. "WATER BULLET JUTSU!" Tiny water pellets set of for the enemie and as he dodge he was soon hit with one and it went straight through his hand.

"AHHH!" The man screeched in agony.

"No more jutsus for you." Mori spoke as she stepped closer to the man that was now on his knees. Yuri stuck beside me as she already defeated the bobcat.

"I promise I will make it slow and painful." She grinned as she made a giant water sphere and encased the man in it. "WATER SUFFOCATION JUTSU!" The man then grabbed at his throat before the life left his eyes.

Soon the leader joined his men as they all laid there lifeless. Mori unsummoned Yuri and she walked up and started to put on her chakra vest and shirt.

I just stayed quite trying to comprehend what just happened.

unexpected love (female reader x kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now