~chapter 8~

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~mori's pov~

We soon got our food and I saw that the waiter was staying a bit more distance than he originally was.

Kakashi and I continued to talk about whatever as we ate on our food until he brought up something about a mission.

"Lady Tsunade was talking about sending us on an important mission to the
Hidden stone village." Kakashi spoke up while eating on his food.

"Why am I just hearing of this now?" I questioned the gray headed shinobi.

"Well Lady Tsunade asked me who I wanted to bring on the mission so I asked if you could come along." He replied.

I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment. "Thank you, I would be honored to." I said in a sweet tone as I sipped on my tea.

Kakashi gave me a closed eye smile. "Of course I think it would be quite a nice trip."

"May I ask what the mission is about? It must be pretty important if she is willing to send some of her best ninja." I asked him, curiosity in my words.

"She believes there might be something going on so she wants us to go and take a look." Kakashi answered.

"One more question: when is the mission?" I looked at him as I spoke.

"Not for another 2 weeks, we have plenty of time to relax till then. Tsunade won't call us til the day of." He gave me a reassuring smile.

~time skip~

Two weeks had past by and they usually went just like this:

1. Wake up and get ready for the day.

2. Meet up with Kakashi and walk to the training grounds.

3. While walking with Kakashi, one of us says something about the sky.

4. Train with kids. (sometimes without them)

5. Get food with Kakashi.

6. Walk home with Kakashi.

7. Wave goodnight to him and go inside my apartment.

The process was quite simple and I began to realize that Kakashi was in my daily routine, but I didn't think anything of it since he was my co-worker and friend. I thought this as I made my way towards Lady Tsunade's office.

I soon arrived at Tsunade's office and I knocked before walking in.

"Mori just the person I wanted to see." Tsunade gave me a smile which was rare.

I looked around the room. "Where is Kakashi?"

Before Tsunade could say anything the man himself walked up behind me.

"Right here." He said.

I was about to reply back but I was cut off because Tsunade. "Now that I have you guys are here let's talk about your mission."

~kakashi's pov~

Lady Tsunade seemed to talk for hours until she finally finished and shooed Mori and I away.

We were walking towards our apartment complex when I looked over at Mori. "Nervous at all?" I asked her.

"No, is there a reason I should be." She replied, sounding confused.

"Oh I just wanted to see if you were nervous about the mission." I stated. I myself was kind of nervous since on this mission our lives were at stake. Not just mine but Mori's as well.

Mori took a deep breath and let out a long sigh before speaking. "Nervous or not, I will gladly throw my life on the line if that means my village and friends are safe because that is my ninja way."

I just looked at her with a shocked expression before a smile quickly raised on my face. "And that there is what makes you an excellent ninja."

"Thanks, that means a lot coming from an excellent shinobi like yourself." Her eyes looked straight into mine as she spoke and it caused a slight shiver down my spine.

I just gave her a closed eye smile and we continued to walk to our apartments, side by side, to pack for the important and dangerous mission that was ahead of us.

unexpected love (female reader x kakashi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang